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"'I bought these clo'es, I says, 'to wear when bein' ent'tained by the fust fam'lies. How do I look? I says. "'Turn 'round, she says. 'You look f'm behind, she says, 'like a red-headed snappin' bug, an' in front, she says, as I turned agin, 'like a reg'lar slinkum.

And they did walk very briskly indeed all the more reason why the officer should follow them! "Makes me think of tryin' to get away from a strange dog," Tessie had the temerity to interject. "The faster we ran the surer he is to keep snappin'." "He is sure to catch us," Dagmar said. "Why don't you stop and ask him where we can go?" "You poor simp.

He raise' up on one shoulder en look' roun', w'en w'at should he see but de noo mule's head stickin' in de winder, wid his lips drawed back over his toofs, grinnin' en snappin' at Dan des' lack he wanter eat 'im up.

Well, Karen labored with me over two hours, dwellin' in particular on the perfect stillness of the heatin' apparatus, and agin as before that thought tempted me awfully, for I'd hearn the cracklin' snappin' sounds that sometimes comes from steam heat and dreaded to have it reproduced in my home, and seein' my looks Karen amplified on the idee, How sweet it would be in December to set down in a rockin' chair in the still warmth of a day in July and go through the winter in that luxurious lovely way.

"Quit snappin' that lash. 'Pears-like ter me ez ye makes yerself powerful free round this hyar tanyard." "Tennie air a-growin' wonderful fast," the sly Nathan remarked pleasantly. Birt softened instantly. "She air a haffen inch higher 'n she war las' March, 'cordin' ter the mark on the door," he declared, pridefully. "She ain't pretty, I know, but she air powerful peart."

With all this were mingled hints of her old superstition, forebodings of something fearful about to happen, perhaps the great final catastrophe of all things, according to the prediction current in the kitchens of Rockland. "Hark!" Old Sophy would say, "don' you hear th' crackin' 'n' th' snappin' up in Th' Mountain, 'n' th' rollin' o' th' big stones?

"I says: 'See here, pardner, don't you go givin' no money to no Mexican, because he'll only gamble it away on three-card monte. "'I don't mean your Mexican friend, he says, like a snappin' turtle, 'I'm after a man named Robert McGraw, "'Oh, I says, 'you mean that red-headed outlaw from up country? Why I didn't know he was wanted. What's it this time?

A furious mumble from behind the fingers and a venomous flash from the Babbitt eyes were answers sufficient. "Oh, Jed," she pleaded, "what SHALL we do?" For the instant a bit of the old Jed came to the surface. His lip twitched grimly as he looked down at the crimson face above his own hand. "I ain't sartin yet," he drawled. "How do you start in killin' a a snappin' turtle?

I donno's it'd ever enter Silas Sykes's head't there was anything wrong with anything, providin' somebody wasn't snappin' him up for it. I guess it's like that in politics. "We took the milk around an', bake' sweet potatoes forgot, Timothy stood up by the stove, between Eppleby an' Silas, an' watched us an' the Jersey must 'a' picked her way home alone.

"You two belay talkin' and snappin' at each other," commanded Mr. Gibney, "an' leave all bargainin' to me. This boy is all right and we'll get along first rate if you two just haul ship and do somethin' useful besides buttin' in on your superior officer. Come along, Tabu-Tabu. Makee little eat down in cabin. You talkee captain."