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Updated: August 22, 2024

I understand that none share but such as are in sight; but is dairkness deemed a legal impediment?" "To be sure it is; the idea being that all who can see may act. Now, if we catch the lugger before Captain Cuffe and Sir Frederick even know where she is, on what principle can they aid and sustain us in the capture?" "And you wish a shairp lookout the night, Captain Lyon?" "That's just it, Airchy.

Shairp was only too happy to pour into his ears the whole story as she had learned it from the keeper who had come upon the scene just after the firing of the fatal shot. He listened almost in silence, but did not uncover his face. "And his mother?" he asked at length. Mrs. Shairp could say little about the laird's mother. It was Dr.

Much more significant are his sermons, the unconscious reflection of a rare spiritual nature, of which Professor Shairp said: "His power shows itself clearly in the new and unlooked-for way in which he touched into life old truths, moral or spiritual.... And as he spoke, how the old truth became new! and how it came home with a meaning never felt before!

But she cam nae speed wi' him; an' at last she says, says she, 'Geordie, I can make nothing of him: what in the world is to be done? 'Gie him a shairp upward yark, my leddy, says I; 'there canna be muckle strength o' resistance left in him by this time! Weel, she did as I tellt her I will say this for Leddy Carline, that she's aye biddable.

Principal Shairp, however, has not seen the matter in this broad light.

And so today, in the Year of Grace Nineteen Hundred, the man who writes must have something to say, and he who speaks must have a message. "Coleridge," says Principal Shairp, "was the originator and creator of the higher criticism." The race has gained ground, made head upon the whole; and thanks to the thinkers gone, there are thinkers now in every community who weigh, sift, try and decide.

Shairp, the housekeeper, with whom he was a favourite, uttered a startled exclamation at his appearance. "Guid guide us, sirs! and whaur hae ye been hidin' yoursel' a' this day an' nicht, Mr. Hugo? We've baen sair trouble i' th' hoose, and naebody kent your whaurabouts. Bairn! but ye're just droukit! Whaur hae you hidden yoursel' then?" "Hidden!"

If our throats are to be cut, let it be with a shairp knife, and not with a blunt hedge shears. 'What say you to a stoup of cider? I asked, for we were passing an ivy-clad inn, with 'The Beaufort Arms' printed upon the sign. 'With all my heart, lad, my companion answered. 'Ho, there! two pints of the old hard-brewed! That will serve to wash the dust down.

"Squoad 'Shun! Move to the right in fours. Forrm fourrrs!" The audience addressed looks up with languid curiosity, but makes no attempt to comply with the speaker's request. "Come away now, come away!" urges the instructor, mopping his brow. "Mind me: on the command 'form fours, odd numbers will stand fast; even numbers tak' a shairp pace to the rear and anither to the right. Now forrm fourrs!"

It was not a door that could be fastened or unfastened from inside. Someone in the main part of the house, therefore, must necessarily have turned the key and taken it away. One thing was evident: the servants had been locked into their own rooms, and it was quite impossible for Mrs. Shairp to come to her mistress's room, unless the person who fastened the door came and unfastened it again.

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