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"She is trying it in her own way; she does it very quietly. She doesn't want an American; she wants a foreigner. And she wants a mari serieux. But she is travelling over Europe in search of one. She would like a magistrate." "A magistrate?" "A gros bonnet of some kind; a professor or a deputy." "I am very sorry for the poor girl," I said, laughing.

But she is kindly, womanly, soft; she has no small jealousies and none of that petty self-consciousness which makes so many women wearisome to the great majority of plain men, who have no wish to take their social exercises too much au sérieux. 'I was curious to see what sort of a relationship she and Miss Bretherton had developed towards each other. Mrs.

But, of course, one sees that well, you are here in this delicious little house, having what the Americans call a lovely time, enjoying North Africa, listening to the fountain, walking, as my old baby says, among passion-flowers, and playing about with that joke from the Quartier Latin, Armand Gillier. Mais, ma chère, ce n'est pas sérieux!

The family stood round and listened to his praise with evident satisfaction. Madame Fleury told him that Lucien was tres serieux with his music, that his master was well pleased with him, and when his hand was a little larger he would be allowed to play upon Rene's violin.

"But, au serieux," continued the picturesque Doe, "do you realise that this is December, 1915, and we shall probably never see the year of grace 1916? Damned funny, Captain Ray, isn't it?" "Don't be so romantic and treacly," retorted Monty. "You'll do nothing heroic. You'll just march down to W Beach and get on a boat and sail away. There's going to be some sort of evacuation, I'm sure.

Palgrave dit que Woolner fait un choix serieux dans ses amities. Sa femme est jolie, delicate, gracieuse, intelligente; elle me fait l'effet d'un lys. "J'ai recu la visite de Haden hier, il m'a plus enseigne relativement a l'eau-forte en une demi-heure de conversation que dix ans de pratique ne l'auraient fait. Voici mes engagements: "Samedi, diner chez Leslie. Dimanche, tantot chez Lewes.

"You must leave all your wet things to be dried." "O! entre frères! In any boat-house in England we should find the same." "En Angleterre, vous employez des sliding-seats, n'est-ce pas?" "We are all employed in commerce during the day; but in the evening, voyez-vous, nous sommes sèrieux." These were the words.

"I more than suspect I am very strongly persuaded that this murder has been committed by the girl Paolina Foscarelli." "My own notion " "Look here, this is how it has been. The Marchese Ludovico has made love to this girl has made her in love with him taking the matter au grand serieux, in the way girls will specially, I am told, it is the way, with those Venetian women.

"Un homme serieux est celui qui se croit regarde." When Lord Ferriby decided to accede to Roden's earnest desire that he should go to The Hague, he was conscious of conferring a distinct favour upon the Low Countries. "It is not a place one would choose to go to at this time of year," he said to a friend at the club.

I certainly did not expect anything of this sort. Our old man called him General, to be sure; but General means nothing, in the rural districts, but a certain amount of wealth and respectability. It has taken the place of Squire. But here was I with a man who took his title au serieux.