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But so it was: and he owned to believing in English luck. Partly of course he meant that steady fire of combat which his countrymen have got heated to of old till fortune blessed them. 'Nevil is not here? the colonel asked. 'No, I suspect he's gruelling and plastering a doctor of his acquaintance, Mr. Romfrey said, with his nasal laugh composed of scorn and resignation.

Shrapnel! how easily the position of Captain Beauchamp may become precarious with his uncle Mr. Romfrey. And let me add "but" and "but" me till Doomsday, sir! if you were I do hear you, sir, and you shall hear me if you were a younger man, I say, I would hold you answerable to me for your scandalous and disgraceful insinuations. Dr. Shrapnel was adroitly fenced and over-shouted.

Romfrey edged round to Colonel Halkett, conjecturing in his mind: They have not hit it; as he remarked: 'Breakfast and luncheon have been omitted in this day's fare, which appeared to the colonel a confirmation of his worst fears, or rather the extinction of his last spark of hope. He knocked at his daughter's door in going upstairs to dress. Cecilia presented herself and kissed him.

It's that man Shrapnel's letter that letter, Romfrey! A private letter, I know; but I've not heard Nevil disown the opinions expressed in it. I submit. It's no use resisting. I treat my daughter as a woman capable of judging for herself. I repeat, I submit. I haven't a word against Nevil except on the score of his politics. I like him.

'Why the downs? he said. 'Why the deuce, colonel? A question quite as reasonable, and Mr. Romfrey laughed under his breath.

Nevil defended the persecuted woman, but with no better success than from the attacks of the Romfrey ladies; with this difference, however, that these decried the woman's vicious arts, and Mistress Elizabeth Mary Beauchamp put all the sin upon the man. Such a man! she said. 'Let me hear that he has married her, I will not utter another word. Nevil echoed, 'Married! in a different key.

For do but look on the dewy wood-sorrel flower; it is not violet or rose inviting hands to pluck it: still it is there, happy in the woods. And Jenny's feeling was that a foot had crushed it. She wept, thinking confusedly of Lord Romfrey; trying to think he had made his amends tardily, and that Beauchamp prized him too highly for the act.

She was firmer to meet the peril of her beloved: and being indeed, when thrown on her internal resources, one among the brave women of earth, though also one who required a lift from circumstances to take her stand calmly fronting a menace to her heart, she saw the evidence of her influence with Lord Romfrey: the level she could feel that they were on together so long as she was courageous, inspirited her sovereignly.

'Did he insult you, ma'am? Mr. Romfrey inquired. She replied hastily, 'Oh no. He may be a good man in his way. He is one of those men who do not seem to think a woman may have opinions. He does not scruple to outrage those we hold. I am afraid he is an infidel. His ideas of family duties and ties, and his manner of expressing himself, shocked me, that is all. He is absurd.

'I stand to weather the cape or run to wreck, and it won't do to be taking in reefs on a lee-shore. You don't see what frets her, colonel. For years she has been bent on Nevil's marriage. It's off: but if you catch Cecilia by the hand and bring her to us I swear she loves the fellow! that's the medicine for my wife. Say: will you do it? Tell Lady Romfrey it shall be done.