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There she lay peeping out at him and Morten between the large fingers, with a strangely resigned expression that was meant to be roguish. "I know it was horrid of me," she said dully, moving Pelle's middle finger backward and forward in front of her eyes so that she squinted; "but I'll do what you tell me. Elle-Pelle, Morten-Porten-I can talk the P-language!" And she laughed an embarrassed laugh.

Why, she might be mistaken for a creole! And each critic held fast to his expressed opinion until the roguish eyes met his directly and with meaning, and he found himself diving into the bright, shimmering wells, and drowning still ecstatically before he reached the bottom whence streamed the light of passionate feeling, striking upward through the surface.

The winter-sky, the silent winter-sky, which often stifleth even its sun! Did I perhaps learn from it the long clear silence? Or did it learn it from me? Or hath each of us devised it himself? Of all good things the origin is a thousandfold, all good roguish things spring into existence for joy: how could they always do so for once only!

If he had stopped to consider, he would no doubt have replied very differently. But a hundred questions, stirred by what he had seen, were clamoring for light, and they threw the desperate impulse to his lips. "If I COULD dance, would you dance with me?" The two lively girls heard the words, and looked at Becky with roguish faces. "Oh yes, take him for your next partner!" cried one.

Master François dissipated all this roguish philosophy with a contemptuous gesture. "La, la, la," he chirruped. "Sillier than all these. I followed her into the church." The silence of astonishment fell upon the audience. Only Colin de Cayeulx had sufficient presence of mind to formulate his amazement in a prolonged whistle. Louis crossed himself repeatedly under his gown.

"Thank you," Violet said, as she sank panting into it; then, glancing up at him with a roguish smile, she continued: "Don't look so shocked, Mr. Richardson; I suppose I am a trifle pale, but I am not going to faint, as I see you fear. I was lonely in there by myself and imagined that you were also, so I took a sudden notion that I would pay you a little visit.

Alaric, almost struck dumb, fell back upon: "Well, I mean to say!" "And you SHALL go in with Mr. Jerry," said that young gentleman, slipping Peg's arm through his own. Turning to Mrs. Chichester he asked her: "With your permission we will lead the way. Come Peg," and he led her to the door and opened it. Peg looked up at him, a roguish light dancing in her big expressive eyes. "Thanks.

After making Mind Purchases of about $8000 worth of washable Finery edged with Lace, a spirit of Deviltry seized them. They ordered their Lettuce Sandwiches and diluted Ceylon in a Restaurant where roguish Men-about-Town sat facing the Main Entrance to pipe the pulchritudinous Pippins. Was it seven or eight Party Calls that she checked from her social Ledger before 4 o'clock? Answer: eight.

"Really charming," added Number Three. "You are quite sure you don't know what you want to marry him for?" said Mrs. Snow, with a roguish twinkle in her eye. "You are quite sure you don't love him?" "Oh, I don't know," said Miss Butterworth. "It's something. I wish you could hear him talk. His grammar would kill you. It would just kill you. You'd never breathe after it.

She was all anxiety and expectation but the child returned late at night without the letter which they had longed for with such feverish impatience. The six dollars upon which they had depended for a supply of food were in notes of the Farmer's Bank, which at that time would not pass for money, and which the roguish purchaser of the cow had passed off upon this distressed family.