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Of fame he had gained little, peace he had never tasted; of wealth he had never thought, of love ah, of love now? His smile and the roguish shake of his head and pull at his long black moustache betrayed no dissatisfaction on that score. Admiration was what he readily enough conceived himself to inspire; love was a greater thing.

Then with a roguish look in her eyes, she added demurely, but with a slight emphasis on the last word, "Good bye, my friend." Brian turned away sadly enough; but he had not gone far when he heard flying footsteps, and looking back saw Erica once more. "Oh, I just came to know whether by any chance you want a kitten," she said; "I have a real beauty which I want to find a nice home for."

Dejah Thoris caught her breath at my last words, and gazed upon me with dilated eyes and quickening breath, and then, with an odd little laugh, which brought roguish dimples to the corners of her mouth, she shook her head and cried: "What a child! A great warrior and yet a stumbling little child." "What have I done now?" I asked, in sore perplexity.

"Are you a fool, friend?" said the Countess sharply; "or do you think, because I have good-naturedly purchased your trumpery goods at your roguish prices, that you may put any gullery you will on me? Who ever heard that affections of the heart were cured by medicines given to the body?" "Under your honourable favour," said Wayland, "I am an honest man, and I have sold my goods at an honest price.

"A young English noble, son and heir of a Marquis," said Grahame with mock solemnity, "who is devoted to the cause of bringing London and Washington closer together in brotherly love and financial, that is rogues' sympathy no, roguish sympathy that's better. He would like an alliance between England and us. Therefore he cultivates the Irish.

Who knows?" and he cast a glance, half humorous, half reproachful, in the direction in which the gondola had disappeared. He was not yet quite reconciled to the trick fate had played him. Then May slipped her hand inside his arm, in her own confiding way, and, looking affectionately into the seamed and seared old face, she said, with roguish sweetness: "I tell you what, Uncle Dan!

A child of two or three years leans upon her knee, and pulls at one of her ringlets with a roguish smile upon his chubby face. The century that has nearly elapsed since Arnold's defection has not served to lighten in any degree the load of obloquy that rests upon his name.

One little foot peeped out beneath her dress, one hand held fast to the boat while the other toyed with the green pad, and back of her lay the still pond dotted with countless blossoms. Only the tip of her nose could be seen, and beneath it two red lips about which lingered a roguish smile. His heart beat a little faster, and almost did it fail him.

"Crazy but valiant," replied he of the Grove, "and more roguish than crazy or valiant."

This time it was Bertram who was sitting erect in pale horror. Billy threw him a roguish glance. "Goosey! You are as bad as Aunt Hannah! I said that was what I wanted to say. What I really said was quite another matter," she finished with a saucy uptilting of her chin. Bertram relaxed with a laugh. "You witch!" His admiring eyes still lingered on her face.