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"Are you a fool, friend?" said the Countess sharply; "or do you think, because I have good-naturedly purchased your trumpery goods at your roguish prices, that you may put any gullery you will on me? Who ever heard that affections of the heart were cured by medicines given to the body?" "Under your honourable favour," said Wayland, "I am an honest man, and I have sold my goods at an honest price.

Come you may perswade her to looke high and take it upon her for your credit. The gullery is yet within these walles; let your shame goe no farther. The wench may prove right, she may. Enter Sir Richard. La. What news from Sir Francis? Ri. Wife, I hardly aske thee forgivenes; I had jealous thoughts, but all's right agen. La. I will deserve your confidence. Ri.

And this other is a gullery of the same stamp, to call the offices of our kingdom by the lofty titles of the Romans, though they have no similitude of function, and still less of authority and power.

The Crow is pretty common, and breeds in most of the Islands, and probably at times commits considerable depredations amongst the eggs and young of the Gulls and Shags at all events it is by no means a welcome visitor to the breeding stations of the Gulls, as in this summer I saw four Crows about a small gullery near Petit Bo Bay, one of which flew over the side of the cliff to have a look at the Gulls' eggs, probably with ulterior intentions in regard to the eggs; but one of the Gulls saw him, and immediately flew at him and knocked him over: what the end of the fight was I could not tell, but probably the Crow got the worst of it, as several other Gulls went off to join their companion as soon as they heard the row; and the Crows trespassed no more on the domain of the Gulls at least whilst I was there, which was some time.

And many other adventures and perils they encountered, such as if all were told would make a long and most improbable history. But they had clear favorable weather, and they won through each pinch, by one or another fraud which Niafer evolved the instant that gullery was needed.

This will be a very summary abbreviation of our labour, if we but hearken unto him a little upon the serious debate and canvassing of this my perplexity. That is, answered Epistemon, a gullery too evident, a plain abuse and fib too fabulous. I will not go, not I; I will not go. How Panurge consulteth with Herr Trippa.

he discerns 'tis nothing but counterfeit and gullery. "Ut satius multo jam sit parere quietum, Quam regere imperio res velle."