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There were many young men much nearer and dearer to Undy than Charley, who might be equally desirous of so great a prize; but he could think of none over whom he might probably exercise so direct a control. Charley was a handsome gay fellow, and waltzed au ravir; he might, therefore, without difficulty, make his way with the fair Clementina.

Mademoiselle Felicie could no ways understand a lady well born not wearing that which distinguished her above the common; and if she was ever to wear jewels, the ball-room was surely the proper place. And the sapphire necklace would look a ravir with her lady's dress, which, indeed, without it, would have no effect; would be quite mesquine and manquee.

"Ah! no; not her always," said Mademoiselle: "though she has the apple here, without contradiction," continued Mademoiselle, still speaking in English, which it was always her pride to speak to whomsoever could understand her. "Absolutely, without vanity, though my niece, I may say it, she is a perfect creature and mise a ravir! Did you ever see such a change for the best in one season? Ah! Paris!

No hot puddings should be served, or heavy pies; but the fruit tart is an excellent sweet, and should be made ... ravir; the pastry should melt in the mouth, and the fruit be stewed with a great deal of sugar. Cream should be put on the table in large glass pitchers, for it is a great luxury of the country and of the summer season.

On the West Pier you will find all the beauty, rank and fashion of Brighton; you will see costumes a ravir, dresses that are artistic and elegant; you will see faces beautiful and well-known; you will hear a charming ripple of conversation; you will witness many pleasant and piquant adventures; but if you want to dream; if you want to give up your whole heart and soul to the poetry of the sea; if you want to listen to its voice and hear no other; if you want to shut yourself away from the world; if you want to hear the music of the winds, their whispers, their lullabies, their mad dashes, their frantic rages, you must go to the Old Chain Pier.

The tables of the dining-room were laid for a great entertainment; and the ladies were in gala dresses my Lady of Chelsey in her highest tour, my Lady Viscountess out of black, and looking fair and happy a ravir; and the Maid of Honor attired with that splendor which naturally distinguished her, and wearing on her beautiful breast the French officer's star which Frank had sent home after Ramillies.

I used to rake up all my old reminiscences of the boulevards and cafes and prados, giving details concerning the "petit-creves" and "cocottes," the "flaneurs" and "grandes dames" of the once "gay" capital gay no longer; and, interspersing them with veracious reports respecting the latest hidden thoughts of "Badinguet," and vivid descriptions of the respective toilets of the Empress Eugenie, Baroness de B , Madame la Comtesse C , la belle Marquise d'E , and all the other fashionable letters of the alphabet chronicling the very latest achievements in "Robes en train" and "Costumes a ravir" of the great artist Worth.

I am every day mise a ravir! and with such perfection of art, that no art appears all is negligent simplicity. I let Josephine please herself; for you know I am not bound to be frightful, because I have a friend whose husband may chance to turn his eye upon my figure, when he is tired of admiring hers. I rallied L the other day upon his having no eyes or ears but for his wife.

L and Josephine understood me perfectly. "Eh! Monsieur de Vaud," said Josephine to the Swiss, whom we met on the landing-place of the stairs, "madame n'est elle pas coeffee a ravir aujourd'hui? C'est que monsieur vient d'assister a la toilette de madame." The Swiss bowed, and said nothing. The bow was to his master, not to me, and it was a bow of duty, not of inclination.