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Updated: August 3, 2024

J. Roscoe, The Baganda, p. 80. Rev. R. Sutherland Rattray, op. cit. pp. 191 sq. Rev. See Totemism and Exogamy, iv. 224 sqq. This statement applies especially to the Ama-Xosa. G. McCall Theal, Kaffir Folk-lore, p. 218. Rev. Compare above, p. 28. The other consequences supposed to flow from the omission of the rites are mentioned by Father Campana. From Mr. The Rev. G. Brown, quoted by the Rev.

So I stood between her and the hearth, on which lay the captain's corpse, with the hearthrug turned up on either side to cover it. "Harris for one," said I. "Outside lie Jose and " "Quick! Quick!" "Senhor Santos." Her face was as though the name meant nothing to her. "And Mr. Rattray?" she cried. "And Mr. Rattray " "Has escaped for the present.

She had not been told she was to take in a raving lunatic. She would speak to Squire Rattray in the morning. "Morning?" I yelled after her as she went. "Send your husband to the nearest chemist as soon as it's dawn; send him for chloral, chloroform, morphia, anything they've got and as much of it as they'll let him have.

Calderwood, of Coltness, travelled from Edinburgh to London in 1756, she relates in her Diary that she travelled in her own postchaise, attended by John Rattray, her stout serving man, on horseback, with pistols at his holsters, and a good broad sword by his side. The lady had also with her in the carriage a case of pistols, for use upon an emergency.

"Nay, my lord, you will gain nought by speaking big with me," said Sir Mungo, who, besides that his sarcastic humour was really supported by a good fund of animal courage, had also full reliance on the immunities which he had derived from the broadsword of Sir Rullion Rattray, and the baton of the satellites employed by the Lady Cockpen.

And I did not utterly distrust him yet. Rather was the guile on my side as I drew back and watched Rattray lift the young girl tenderly, and slowly carry her to the door by which she had entered and left the hall just twenty-four hours before. I could not take my eyes off them till they were gone. And when I looked for my revolver, it also had disappeared. Jose had not got it he lay insensible.

And yet but a few minutes had I knelt at the window but a few more was it since Rattray and I had shaken hands! Not his visitor; his prisoner, without a doubt; but alive! alive! and, neither guest nor prisoner for many hours more. O my love! O my heart's delight! Now I knew why I was spared; to save her; to snatch her from these rascals; to cherish and protect her evermore!

I am still sorry to remember that Rattray judged him differently. "Come on, skipper," said he; "it's all or none aboard the lugger, and I think it will be none. Up you go; wait a second in the room above, and I'll find you an old cutlass. I shan't be longer." He turned to me with a wry smile. "We're not half-armed," he said; "they've caught us fairly on the hop; it should be fun!

There was a quick step on the stairs-in the corridor. "I'd like to do it now," whispered Harris; "no time like the present." "Not yet, I tell you!" And Rattray was in the room, a silver-mounted pistol in each hand; the sight of these was a surprise to his treacherous confederates, as even I could see. "What the devil are you two doing here?" he thundered.

"Sporting old parson who knows how to swear?" laughed Rattray. "Never saw him in my life before; wondered who the deuce he was." "Really?" said I. "He professed to know something of you." "Against me, you mean? My dear Cole, don't trouble to perjure yourself. I don't mind, believe me. They're easily shocked, these country clergy, and no doubt I'm a bugbear to 'em.

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