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Updated: August 3, 2024

There was no date and no address, but the postmark was Bradfield in the north of England. Does it mean nothing? Or may it mean everything? We must wait and see. Good-bye, old man. Let me hear equally fully about your own affairs. How did the Rattray business go off?

"'Which schoolboy? said Ninety Mile doubtfully, expecting to be met with 'top boy. And never having been 'top boy' itself at any time of its life, it had but a distrustful admiration for the same. "'We must draw lots, said Eagar. "Upon which Ninety Mile, being attracted by the sporting element in the affair, slowly subscribed its shilling a-piece, and the happy lot fell to Rattray.

Not for him did the Jessamine climb and the one hawthorn tree at the back gate leading to the orchard yield its sweet white May, not for him did the tall clock strike and the parrot talk. Talk!! Why, the only time the creature was ever known to be quiet was when Mr. Simon P. Rattray made his portentous visits twice or three times a year.

Before I could stoop for it there was a dead weight on my left arm, and Squire Rattray was over the table at a bound, with his arms jostling mine beneath Eva Denison's senseless form. "Leave her to me," he cried fiercely. "You fool," he added in a lower key, "do you think I'd let any harm come to her?" I looked him in the bright and honest eyes that had made me trust him in the beginning.

"But his success with this was doubtful. The boys regarded 'Westward Ho! as a home-lesson, while the 'Three Musketeers' set fire to none of them. Even 'Treasure Island' left most of them cold; though Eagar, reading it aloud, had tried to persuade himself that little Rattray had breathed a trifle quicker as the blind man's stick came tap tapping along the road.

Rattray, who was a good carpenter and shoemaker and general handy-man, "far better accomplishments than a college education for the African field." She did not, of course, depreciate culture, so long as practical qualities of heart and hand went with it.

The nest is a cup-shaped structure, composed exteriorly of twigs, grass, and moss, and lined with stalks of maiden-hair fern and fine roots. It is usually placed high up in a fir tree. Colonel Rattray believes that the birds bring up two broods in the year. They lay first in May, and, as soon as the young are able to shift for themselves, a second nest is made.

The accident is said to have happened in the Rattray reef of rocks, about twenty miles to the northward, near Dirtenalan Bay I have sent to inquire about it and your nephew run out himself as if he had been flying to get the Gazette of a victory." Here Hector entered, exclaiming as he came in, "I believe it's all a damned lie I can't find the least authority for it, but general rumour."

He says you found me out by making friends with Mr. Cole. He says that Mr. Cole has been dining with you in this very room, this very night. You still tell the truth sometimes; has that man that demon told it for once?" "It is perfectly true," said Rattray in a low voice. "And poor Mr. Cole told you that he knew nothing of your villany?"

"Noo, if there wes nae objection in order, aifter ye hed settled in the pulpit, an' hed yir first snuff, ye micht say, 'Officer, shut the door. Then a' wud close the kirk door deleeberately in sicht o' the hale congregation an' come back tae ma place, an' Peter Rattray himsel' wudna daur tae show his face aifter that. Ye hae the voice an' the manner, Doctor, an' it's no richt tae wyste them."

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