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Updated: August 1, 2024

An alibi's a nice thing to have in the house, Perfessor. Hey? Haw, haw, haw! Yes, sir-ee! In case there's any talk they won't be able to pin much on your Uncle Raish, not much they won't." He nudged the Bangs' ribs and walked off, chuckling. Galusha, too, smiled as he watched him go. Both he and Mr. Pulcifer seemed to find amusement in the situation.

Some sort of a ah steam whistle, isn't it?" "Foghorn over to the light," replied Raish, briskly. "Well, sir, here you be." The car rolled up to the side of the road and stopped. "Here you be, Mr. Bangs," repeated Mr. Pulcifer. "Here's where Hall lives, right here." Mr. Bangs seemed somewhat astonished. "Right here?" he asked. "Dear me, is it possible!"

He ain't buyin' on his own account, that I KNOW." "Oh ah do you, indeed. May I ask why you are so certain?" "For two reasons. First, because Raish ain't got money enough of his own to do any such thing. Second, and the main reason why I know he ain't buyin' for himself is because he says he is. Anybody that knows Raish knows that's reason enough." Galusha ventured one more question.

The capacity for hating was not in Galusha's make-up. He found it difficult to dislike any one strongly. But he could come nearer to disliking Raish Pulcifer than any one else, and now to dislike was added resentment. Why in the world should this Pulcifer person interfere with his peace of mind?

They found that all that Skoonic Creek land was in the hands of Raish Pulcifer and Cap'n Jeth Hallett; those two either owned it outright or had options where they didn't own." At first the Eagle Company declined to have anything to do with the new owners. They declared the whole affair off, so far as the Skoonic Creek location was concerned, and announced their intention of going elsewhere.

The price paid, so the doctor says he's heard, runs all the way from eight dollars a share up to fourteen and a half. Poor old Mrs. Badger Darius Badger's widow got the eight dollars. She was somethin' like me, I guess had given up the idea of ever gettin' a cent and so she took the first offer Raish made her. Eben Snow got the fourteen and a half, I believe, the highest price.

A few months ago I was the one to go to him and talk about that stock. Now he comes to me and I'm just as high and mighty as he ever was, you can be sure of that. 'Well, Raish, I said to him to-night, 'I don't know that I am very much interested. If the stock is worth that to you, I presume likely it's worth it to me. Ha, ha! Oh, dear! you should have seen him squirm.

"I declare," she said, after her caller had gone, "I shall really begin to believe somethin' IS up in that Development Company, just as the Trust Company man said. Raish certainly wants to buy the two hundred and fifty shares he thinks I've got. This is the third time he's been to see me, sneakin' across lots in the dark so nobody else would see him, and each time he raised his bid.

Pulcifer leaned forward and gesticulated with the cigar just before his visitor's nose. The visitor leaned backward. "If if you don't mind," he said, desperately, "I really wish you wouldn't." "What?" "Put that thing that cigar quite so near. If you don't mind." Raish withdrew the cigar and looked at it and his companion. "Oh, yes, yes; I see!" he said, after a moment.

Pulcifer's match went out, he started violently erect, bumping his head against the open door of the lamp compartment, and swung a red and agitated face toward his shoulder. "I beg your pardon," said the voice. "I'm afraid I startled you. I'm extremely sorry. Really I am." "What the h-ll?" observed Raish, enthusiastically. "I'm very sorry, very yes, indeed," said the voice once more. Mr.

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