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Not the common kind of shipwreck, neither, the kind they have down to Setuckit P'int on the shoals. No sir-ee! This one was sunk on purpose. That Joe Wylie bored holes right down through her with a gimlet, the wicked thing!

For a person who had told nothing, Lute seemed to have "as much as said" a good many things. I shook my head. "So you think I shouldn't sell the land?" I asked. "Course you shouldn't not to him. Ain't there such things as public spirit and independence? But I'll tell you somethin' more, Ros," mysteriously. "You may have a chance to sell it somewhere else." "Indeed?" "Yes, sir-ee! indeed!

"Did you drop down out te clouds?" "Yah! yah! yah! what makes you fink so, old hogsit, eh? No, sir-ee! I's Mr. Cato, a nigger gentleman of Mr. Capting Prescott." The large eyes of the Dutchman grew larger as he proceeded. "Vot makes you falls on mine head, eh?" "I's up in de tree a-takin' ob obserwashuns, when jis' as you got down hyar, de limb broke, and down I comes.

"I wasn't allowin' to have 'em jerk you out of your home town before you'd had a chance to pick a lawyer and talk to your friends; no sir-ee, I wasn't." "I guess I haven't any friends any more," I was still bitter enough to say. And then: "Tell me, if you can, Uncle John, just what the charge against me is."

I was swabbin' decks in the barn about eleven o'clock, when he come postin' in, white and shaky, and so nervous he couldn't stand still. Looked as if he had had a stroke almost. "Godfrey scissors! You don't s'pose Heman's comin' back has knocked out his chances for the committee, do you?" "No, sir-ee! 'twan't that.

Yes, sir-ee, cav-ed in!" and this evening, after the Bazaar, to a few younger sisters of the battery whom she would ask to linger for a last waltz with their young heroes, she would announce her engagement and her purpose to be wed in a thrillingly short time. The two men found the Bazaar so amusingly collapsed that, as Hilary said, you could spell it with a small b.

'Try to think, he commanded. 'Why, Thomas, old as I am, I remember when Stonewall Jackson struck that brilliant blow and you can shoot me for a spy, Jack, if he didn't keep me there five hours while he fought the entire Civil War! No sir-ee! After tonight, never again!" But Tommy's talk, to which the crew listened in rapt attention, consumed nearer six than two, or even five hours.

"If you're going to be in the city for awhile we will " "No, sir-ee. I'm starting for home this evening on the 7.25. Like to stay longer, but I can't." "I'll walk down to the ferry with you," said the dogman. The dog had bound a leg each of Jim and the chair together, and had sunk into a comatose slumber. Jim stumbled, and the leash was slightly wrenched.

I was twenty-one last first of April, but I ain't no April fool, I tell you. Dad and me carried on the farm till I, began to hear tell of Californy. I'd got about three hundred dollars saved up and I took it to come out here." "I suppose you've come out to make your fortune?" "Yes, sir-ee, that's just what I come for." "How have you succeeded so far?"

Bonnyman's room, where some half-dozen of the ladies were chatting. "She is married!" she announced in a stage whisper, "married to the milkman oh! oh! oh!" Miss Crilly sat down in the midst of eager questioning. "They say she wrote a note to Miss Sniffen yesterday, but I didn't get my news from her no, sir-ee! It came pretty straight, though, I guess it's so all right."