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'I am sorry for poer Colonel Gardiner's death; he was once very kind to me. 'Why, then, be sorry for five minutes, and then be glad again; his chance to-day may be ours to-morrow; and what does it signify? The next best thing to victory is honourable death; but it is a PIS- ALLER, and one would rather a foe had it than one's self.

'You mean if you knew the alternative? asked Birkin. 'And since you don't know it, marriage is a PIS ALLER. Gerald looked up at Birkin with the same hot, constrained eyes. 'One does have the feeling that marriage is a PIS ALLER, he admitted. 'Then don't do it, said Birkin. 'I tell you, he went on, 'the same as I've said before, marriage in the old sense seems to me repulsive.

I have too much betray'd my Passion for him, I must recal it, if I can I must: I will for should I yield, my power's o'erthrown, And what's a Woman when that glory's gone? SCENE II. The Apartments of Alcippus. Enter Alcippus and Pisaro. Pis. You seem'd then to be pleas'd with what she said. Alcip. And then methought I was so, But yet even then I fear'd she did dissemble.

You told me just now that you had no intention of making love to me." "I told you the truth," said he, in his quiet impassive voice. "I fixed on these lines as a pis aller; and they have done all and more than I wished, by bringing you back here for at least a moment." "And do you suppose you speak like a rational man, therefore, I must treat you as one that I can grant your request?" "Why not?

Jack Marche heard of these things but saw little of them. The great war wave rolling through the provinces towards the Rhine skirted them at Saint-Lys, and scarcely disturbed them. They heard that Douay was marching through the country somewhere, some said towards Wissembourg, some said towards Saarbrück. But these towns were names to the peasants of Saint-Lys tant pis for the two towns! And General Douay who was he? Probably a fat man in red breeches and polished boots, wearing a cocked-hat and a cross on his breast. Anyway, they would chase the Prussians and kill a few, as they had chased the Russians in the Crimea, and the Italians in Rome, and the Kabyles in Oran. The result? Nothing but a few new colours for the ribbons in their sweethearts' hair like that pretty Magenta and Solferino and Sebastopol gray. "Fichtre! Faut-il gaspiller tout de même! mais,

It would worry me to go to Lady Ellangowan's in one of last season's dresses; and I quite agree with you that I must spend no more money with Theodore." "Why not wear your black velvet?" "Too obvious a pis aller. I have not enough diamonds to carry off black velvet." "But your fine old lace rose-point, I think you call it surely that would carry off black velvet for once in a way."

"Give me the reins, malappris! tu m'ecrases le corps, manant!" yelled the frantic nobleman, writhing underneath the intrepid charioteer. "Tant pis pour toi, nigaud," was the reply. The lovely Amethyst of course had fainted; but she recovered as she was placed in her carriage, and rewarded her preserver with a celestial smile.

But realism in letters, for the moment, before a new theory had been formulated, was a kind of pis aller by which literature could be produced and attention given to the tangible things of this earth, many of them not before thoroughly exploited; the things of the mind, of the Spirit, were certain to be exploited later, when a broader creed should come.

Cf. in Pisonem 73 pacis est insigne et oti toga, contra autem arma tumultus atque belli; De Or. 3, 167 'togam', pro 'pace', 'arma', ac 'tela', pro 'bello'. We have the same contrast between arma and toga in Cicero's own much-derided verse, cedant arma togae, concedat laurea laudi, which is defended by him, in Pis. 73 and Off. 1, 77.

"Ce serait toujours un pis aller," said Jacobi, seating himself with calmness in Ratcliffe's favourite chair by Mrs. Lee's side. Madeleine, alarmed as she was, could not help interposing, and hastily asked whether that remark was translatable. "Ah!" said the Baron; "I can do nothing with your language. You would only say that it was a choice of evils, to go, or to stay."