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Updated: August 26, 2024

How is it, man? what, speechless? Alcip. No. Pis. I left thee on the Bed, how camest thou here? Alcip. I know not. Pis. Have you slept? Alcip. Yes, ever since you left me; And 'twas a kindness in thee now to wake me; For Sleep had almost flatter'd me to Peace, Which is a vile injustice. Hah, Pisaro, I had such a Dream, Such a fine flattering Dream Pis. How was it, pray? Alcip.

"You'll see to them, there's a good fellow," as they lighted their cigars at the door. "That Vavasour is greener than grass, you know, tant pis for my poor sister." "I am not going." "Not going?" "Certainly not; so my rooms will be at their service; and you had much better escort them yourself.

Remember, Sylvia, are my due; And all the Joys my Rival does receive He ravishes from me, not you. Ah Sylvia, can I live and this believe? Insensibles are touched to see My languishments, and seem to pity me. Which I demand of thee, E. of thee, Which I demand, &c. Pis. What's all this? Phi. Who's there? Pis. A Man, a Friend to the General. Phi. Then thou'rt an Enemy to all good Men.

Alcip. I never thought thou'dst had this Softness in thee. How cam'st thou, Friend, to hide all this from me? Pis.

Dent here bent over to the pious lady and whispered something in her ear; I suppose, from the answer elicited, it was a reminder that one of the anathematised race was present. "Tant pis!" said her Ladyship, "I hope it may do her good!" Then, in a lower tone, but still loud enough for me to hear, "I noticed her; I am a judge of physiognomy, and in hers I see all the faults of her class."

Bob will do well enough, and will very likely come out of this affair a lieutenant-colonel. I may live yet to see him a general officer; certainly, if I live to be as old as my grandfather, Sir Thomas. As for Maud, she finds Beulah uneasy about Beekman; and having no husband herself, or any over that she cares a straw about, why she just falls upon Bob as a pis aller.

I am content to show that, whatever De Brosses did, we do not abandon a search for the motives of the savage fetishist. Civilised 'Fetishism' Tant pis pour monsieur le President. But we and our method no more stand or fall with De Brosses and his, than Mr. Max Muller's etymologies stand or fall with those in the Cratylus of Plato.

Set down one livre more for that, quoth I. It was but last night, said the landlord, qu'un milord Anglois presentoit un ecu a la fille de chambre. Tant pis pour Mademoiselle Janatone, said I. Now Janatone, being the landlord's daughter, and the landlord supposing I was young in French, took the liberty to inform me, I should not have said tant pis but, tant mieux.

Hengs and Wus the still park permeate; The los and pis their sweet perfume enhance; And supple charms the third spring flowers ornate; Softly is wafted one streak of fragrance! A light mist doth becloud the tortuous way! With moist the clothes bedews, that verdure cold! The pond who ever sinuous could hold? Dreams long and subtle, dream the household Hsieh. On "the happy red and joyful green:"

Tant mieux, toujours, Monsieur, said he, when there is any thing to be got tant pis, when there is nothing. It comes to the same thing, said I. Pardonnez-moi, said the landlord.

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