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On the arrival of the Vaudois at the Balsille, they discerned a small body of troops advancing towards them by the Col du Pis, higher up the valley. They proved to be Piedmontese, forty-six in number, sent to occupy the pass. They were surrounded, disarmed, and put to death, and their arms were hid away amongst the rocks.

Was it the only way to get rid of the lady a pis aller? a last remnant of the old-fashioned technique? In the original legend Tannhäuser goes back to Venus: that would be ineffective and leave Elisabeth's future unprovided for.

"Soh! she would secure me as a pis aller, I suppose, in case Mr. Rashleigh Osbaldistone should not take compassion upon her! But I will satisfy her that I am not a person to be trepanned in that manner I will make her sensible that I see through her arts, and that I scorn them."

Falatio, you are a swift Horseman; I believe you have a Mistress at Court, You made such haste this Morning. Fal. By Jove, Pisaro, I was weary enough of the Campaign; and till I had lost sight of it, I clapt on all my Spurs But what ails Alcander? Pis. What, displeas'd? Alcan. It may be so, what then? Pis. Then thou mayst be pleas'd again. Alcan. Why the Devil should I rejoice?

I was pointing out the house which belonged to Tasso's father." "Tasso! Hein! and which is the fair Eleonora's?" "Monsieur," answered Isaura, rather startled at that question, from a professed homme de lettres, "Eleonora did not live at Sorrento." "Tant pis pour Sorrente," said the homme de lettres, carelessly. "No one would care for Tasso if it were not for Eleonora."

Soon other bodies were seen approaching by the Col du Pis and the Col du Clapier, while a French regiment, supported by the Savoyard militia, climbed Mont Guinevert, and cut off all retreat in that quarter. In short, the Balsille was completely invested. A general assault was made on the position on the 2nd of May, under the direction of General Catinat in person.

She made no protest, but let him help her to put them on and wrap her up, while her godmother thought it advisable to walk toward the door. "Tonight was your moment, Madame," he said, in a low voice. "But the gods are often kind to me, and my hour will come!" Tamara summoned everything she knew of provokingness into her face as she looked up and answered: "Tant pis! et bon soir!

Many sober minds make coffee and tea the pis a tergo of their daily intellectual labor; just as a few of greater imagination or genius seek in opium the spur of their ephemeral efforts.

Then I suppose I shall not much approve on't. Pis. You would be at your last night's rage again. Alcippus, this will ruin you for ever, Nor is it all the Power you think you have Can save you, if he once be disoblig'd. Believe me 'twas the Princess' passion for you Made up that breach last night. Alcip.

"Ah! old men must die, as well as old principles, I find. My poor fellow went off in a fit last week, and I took that Irishman as a pis aller. After losing poor Garry, who was born a slave in my father's house, I became indifferent, and accepted the first comer from the intelligence office." "We must be careful, Dunning, not to give up too soon. But hear my story, and then to other matters."