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"Whence comes this benefactor," queried M. Riel, with an ugly sneer, "and how has he placed you under such an obligation?" Then, reflecting that he was showing a bitterness respecting the young man which he could neither explain nor justify, he said: "Mais, pardonnez-moi. Think me not rude for asking these questions.

C. "The word East is certainly more applicable to the Arab than the Turkish countries." D. "I have seen only Constantinople, and think that it deserves all that Byron and Anastasius have said of it." C. "I am afraid that A. has received his impressions of the East from Central Asia, which is a somewhat barbarous country." A. "Pardonnez-moi.

"Pardonnez-moi! That was not what you said!" She became passive in his hold, but she said nothing. "Tell me what you said!" Saltash said again. A little tremor went through Toby. "Can we do with only one cup?" she asked, not looking at him, her eyelids flickering nervously. "Going to answer me?" said Saltash. She shook her head and was silent.

"Then I am wrong after all," said I to myself. "Has she a husband, sir?" "Pardonnez-moi, elle est veuve, mais elle a un petit garcon de cinq ans, beau comme un ange." "That is she," said I, again reviving. "Is she a French woman?" "Du tout, monsieur, elle est une de vos compatriotes; et en est un fort joli exemplaire."

In the library some minutes later Dorothea was pouring her uncle's coffee, and as he took the cup she brought him he bowed ceremoniously, then put it down to light a cigar. There were times when he wished Dorothea were his. If she were his He took a long whiff of his cigar and threw the match in the fire. "Pardonnez-moi!" Mademoiselle Antoinette stood at the door.

Tant mieux, toujours, Monsieur, said he, when there is any thing to be got tant pis, when there is nothing. It comes to the same thing, said I. Pardonnez-moi, said the landlord.

"On the contraire, pardonnez-moi, monsieur, a most excellent hotel, simple and quite of ze people, and with many patrons. Even at ze moment of arrival a most distinguished artist, a painter of ze Salon, was with his cognac upon a table at ze entrance." "No bath, perhaps," I remarked casually, still absorbed in my work, and with my mind at rest, now that Bäader remained with me.

"'Don't puzzle me, said I. 'But it is an indubitable verity, I continued, addressing myself to the commissary, changing only the form of my asseveration, that I owe the King of France nothing but my good-will, for he is a very honest man, and I wish him all the health and pastime in the world. "'Pardonnez-moi, replied the commissary.

I've never gone by this trail." Bulrush shook his head reprovingly. "It's too long a journey for you to take after your knock-out. You're not fit to travel yet. I don't like it a bit. Lydia said this morning it was a crime against yourself, going off like this, and " "Lydia? oh yes, pardonnez-moi, m'sieu'! I did not know her name was Lydia." "I didn't either till after we were engaged."

"What is the matter, Julie? Do you want to bring Jean and his Indians here, with this pretty screaming of yours?" "But it brushed me in the face twice, mademoiselle." "These are only night hawks, Julie; they gather sometimes like this in our own poplar-grove." "O-o that's what it was? Pardonnez-moi. What a simpleton I am, my mistress.