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And when we sot out for Saratoga, they wuz jest about as long as a shavin' brush, and looked some like one. There wuz no look of a class-leader, and a perfesser about 'em, and I told him so. But he worshiped 'em, and gloried in the idee of goin' afar to show 'em off. But the neighbors received the news that we wuz goin' to a waterin' place coldly, or with ill-concealed envy.

Then he caught sight of the travelers. "Why, I 'clar' t' gracious!" he exclaimed. "Ef it ain't dem motor boys an' Perfesser Snowgrass!" "How are you, Ponto?" sang out Bob. "Fine, sah! Dat's what I is! Fine. I 'clar' t' gracious I'se glad t' see yo'! Git down offen dat stage! It'll fall apart in anoder minute! Go long outer heah, yo' yellow trash!" and Ponto shook his fist at Hop Sing.

Boston Fat surveyed the stranger with a vicious glint in his little eyes, as a pig might stare at a man who had struck it across the snout. "Good afternoon, perfesser," he sneered. "Why 'professor, my frayed and frowsled Falstaff?" "There you go with it showing yourself up out of your own mouth! Words a yard long words that would break a decent man's teeth!

The Countess laid a reminding finger on her lips, as she moved toward the door. There appeared an elderly man, in a black frockcoat, loose-fitting and not too garishly new, a student's coat rather than a fop's. "Is this Perfesser Balthasar?" inquired the Countess in her best manner. "At your service, Madam!"

"Yas sir, Perfesser Henderson done lib here," he replied, in answer to a question from some one. "But he am bery busy jest at de present occasioness an' he'll be most extremely discommodated if yo' obtrude yo' presence on him at de conglomeration ob de statutory limitations, which am to say right now. Come again!" "It's the same old Washington!" said someone outside, laughing heartily.

"You'll always find," he said, "that it's those of your own household that have the first claim on you." "That's so, Coonrod," urged his mother. "It's Bible truth. Your fawther ain't a perfesser, but he always did read his Bible. Search the Scriptures. That's what it means." "Laws!" cried Mely, "a body can see, easy enough from mother, where Conrad's wantun' to be a preacher comes from.

I took good care to conceal my movements, and not even my closest friends know that I am here with Professor Henderson, making a projectile, the trip of which will astonish the world. No, I think this must be some other person." "It's a pusson after mah chickens!" insisted Washington. "If yo'll allow me, perfesser, t' project mahself inter de promixity of his inner consciousness "

Half an hour passed and Jason was getting restless again, when he saw an old negro shuffling down the stone walk with a bucket in one hand, a mop in the other, and trailing one leg like a bird with a broken wing. "Good-mornin', son." "Do you know whar John Burnham is?" "Whut's dat whut's dat?" "I'm a-lookin' fer John Burnham." "Look hyeh, chile, is you referrin' to Perfesser Burnham?"

She wouldn' let me inter see Zadkiel, an I'm jess a itchin tew git my hands ontew her, an that's the trewth, ef I be a perfesser. You let the man alone. I'll git them keys, or my name ain't Resignation Ann Poor." There was a general murmur of approval, and without waiting for orders from Perez, Abner and his helpers let Bement drop, and he scrambled to his feet. Mrs. Bement began to pant.

When I dies I wants t' be buried decent-like. I ain't gwine wid yo' at all." It began to look as if Washington's revolt was a settled fact. Yet they depended on him to go. However, Professor Henderson solved the problem for him. "Who will cook my meals for me, if you don't go, Washington?" he asked solemnly. "Is you really goin', perfesser?" "I certainly am." "An' yo' t'ink it's safe?"