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She knows how to git up a dinner that makes your mouth water to think about. You goin' to have a spread, Mis' Parmer?" "Not much of a one," said Orville's mother. "I expected to, but I c'u'dn't git them fall patatas sold off. I'll have to keep 'em till spring to git any kind o' price. I don't care much about Christmas, though" her chin was trembling, but she lifted it high.

She's kep' a stiff upper lip an' told folks she al'ays expected to live alone when Orville got married. Emarine's all worked up. I believe the Lord hisself must 'a' sent gran'ma Eliot here to talk like an angel unawares. I bet she'd go an' ask Mis' Parmer over here to dinner if she wa'n't afraid I'd laff at her fer knucklin' down. I'll have to aggravate her.

Warrants were issued for a number of the old guerrillas, including Allen Parmer, afterward the husband of Susie James, although he was working in Kansas City at the time, and proved an absolute alibi. The bank at Russellville, Ky., was raided March 20, 1868, and among the raiders was a man who gave his name as Colburn, who the detectives have endeavored to make it appear was Cole Younger.

"You don't have to eat this 'n' without 'er, Orville Parmer! You go an' eat your dinner with your mother 'f you want! I can get along alone. Are you goin' to order them things? If you ain't, just say so, an' I'll go an' do 't myself!" He put on his hat and went without a word. Mrs. Palmer took the saucepan from the stove and set it on the hearth.

Aug. 11. brite and fair. mister Watson, Beanys father got throwed off of his horse today and renched his rist. the horse coodent have throwed him but the gert broke. Mister Watson can ride splendid. Aug. 12. brite and fair. No more church this month. bully. Aug. 13. brite and fair. i went down to Ed Toles and me and Ed rode on the hack with Joe Parmer. Aug. 14. Ed Tole and Frank Hanes are mad.

I don't see 's he looks so turrable." "Why, Emarine Parmer! Ev'rybody in town says he looks so! I only hope they don't know what ails him!" "What does ail him?" cried out Emarine, fiercely. "What are you hintin' at?" "Well, if you don't know what ails him, you'd ort to; so I'll tell you. He's dyin' by inches ever sence you turned his mother out o' doors." Emarine turned white.

Endey saw her coming. She gasped out, "Why, good grieve! Here's Mis' Parmer, Emarine!" "Yes, I know," said Emarine, calmly. "I ast her to dinner." She opened the door, and shook hands with her mother-in-law, giving her mother a look of defiance that almost upset that lady's gravity. "You set right down, Mother Parmer, an' let me take your things.

We met at David George’s and went from there toward Independence as far as Little Blue church, where Allen Parmer, who afterward married Susie James, the sister of Frank and Jesse, told the captain that instead of there being 300 Jayhawkers in Independence, there were 600. The odds were too strong, and we swung around to the southwest.

And leanin' my weary and mournful sperit on that thought, and leanin' hard, I finally dropped off into the arms of Morphine. Well, we reached Chicago with no further coincidence and put up to a big hotel kep' by Mr. and Miss Parmer.

I felt real kinder mortified to think that I didn't pay no attention to Mr. and Miss Parmer; I didn't see 'em at all whilst I wuz there. But I spoze she wuz busy helpin' her hired girls, it must take a sight of work to cook for such a raft of folks, and it took the most of his time to provide.