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Updated: August 10, 2024

"You're new here," commented the doctor, untying his bridle-reins. "Just came yesterday," answered Stratton. "Friend of Lynch?" Buck's lips twitched. "Not exactly," he shrugged. "Miss Thorne hired me while he was in Paloma. I got a notion he was rather peevish about it. Reckon he prefers to pick his own hands." As the doctor swung into the saddle, his face momentarily lightened.

"Reade, I've just learned in town what a plucky thing you did, and how coolly you went through it all. A young man with your courage and purpose simply can't be fool enough to be very far wrong." "Then you learned that the real Arizona people over in Paloma don't find any fault with what I did?" queried Tom.

"It is not altogether safe," ventured José. "That country over there is alive with refugees." "I will take some men with me," said Longorio. "Now go and let me think." Had it not been for her fears, Paloma Jones would have taken her visit to the Austin ranch as an unmixed enjoyment. To her Alaire had always been an ideally romantic figure.

"You're a keen one, Duff," grinned the agent from Chicago. "I've seen enough of life," boasted the gambler quietly, "to be able to judge most people at first sight. You shall soon see whether I don't succeed in starting some hard feeling with Reade and Hazelton." The nearer edge of the treacherous Man-killer was something more than two miles west of the town of Paloma.

Still an' all, there ain't hardly anybody else around Paloma that more 'n glimpsed him passin' through. He bought the outfit in a terrible hurry, an' I thinks to m'self at the time he must be awful trustin', or else a mighty right smart jedge uh land an' cattle.

She was a good woman, though she didn't have any teeth and her face could kill a strong man's appetite in the cradle. "I gave in. I had to. Anyway, Vahna was a quiet thing, never in the way. And she never gadded. Just sat in- doors jabbering with Paloma and helping with the chores. But I wasn't long in getting on to that she was afraid of something.

"What'll we do with this snake and, his weak-minded brother?" asked Jeff dryly. "Tie 'em up and ship 'em into Paloma?" "Fire off your revolver two or three times," suggested Tom, who had caught a faint, far away sound of an automobile. "That may bring a machine over here." "You shoot, Rafe," urge Moore. "I'll want to keep my weapon handy for this crooked card-sharp."

There were flowers still to arrange; there was the mild punch that Santa Paloma affected at card parties to be finished; there was candy to be put about on the tables, in little silver dishes; and new packs of cards, and pencils and score-cards to be scattered about. And in the kitchen But Mrs. Carew's heart failed at the thought. True, her own two maids were being helped out to-day by Mrs.

"He's in there," the private room was indicated, "and up to his eyes in work. He won't quit till he goes to dinner at the Paloma. D'ye hear the typewriters clicking? He makes things hum when he's here, and don't you forget it." "I shall never forget that," said Mrs. Panel, in an accent which made me remember that her grandfather had been a graduate of Harvard University. "Good-afternoon."

As she lay waiting for the day when she must go from the garish scene, she unconsciously took stock of life in her own way. There intruded on her sight the stages of the theatres where she had played and danced, and she heard again the music of the paloma and those other Spanish airs which had made the world dance under her girl's feet long ago.

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