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That's the way I thought; and I started in to pump Vahna. But she wouldn't give down. 'You come along with me, she says. 'We can be back here in a couple of weeks with all the gold the both of us can carry. 'We'll take a burro, or a pack-train of burros, was my suggestion. But nothing doing. And Paloma agreed with her. It was too dangerous. The Indians would catch us.

Of course the youths of this day were nothing like the youths of his own, and yet Blaze let his gaze linger fondly on the high-bred mare and her equipment here at least was a person who knew a good horse, a good saddle, and a good gun. As he came up the walk he heard Paloma laugh, and his own face lightened, for Paloma's merriment was contagious.

Anyhow, his wife is the new dressmaker Paloma's hired. I 'ain't got a chance, Dave. That story will ruin me in the community, and Paloma will turn me out when she learns I'm a a lady-pincher." "What are you going to do about it?" Blaze sighed. "I don't know, yet. Probably I'll end by running from those scorpions, like I did before."

Paloma felt that she was hopelessly commonplace. Now that she had an opportunity of becoming better acquainted with the object of her envy, she made the most of it. She soon found, however, that Alaire possessed anything but an unhappy disposition, and that to pity her was quite impossible. Mrs.

"And Hazelton, safe, also?" All five seats in this car were occupied. Six more men had to be crowded in somehow, after Jim Duff had been tied with his hands behind him. Most of them had to stand. "Back to Paloma, as fast as you can go with safety," ordered Mr. Hawkins, as soon as all were inside. "Gracious, but there'll be a joyful demonstration back in camp as soon as the good word is received."

"This committee," Duff started again, "have concerned themselves with the fact that you have done much to make business bad here in Paloma. You have prevented hundreds of workmen from coming into Paloma to spend their wages as they otherwise would have done." "Some mistake there," Reade urged. "I can't control the actions of my men after working hours."

Furniss the captors led Ashby's horse onward until the office shack was reached. Here two men freed the captive from his horse and led him inside. Dr. Furniss followed them and the door was closed. "Let's get away from here," urged Tom Reade. "A big crowd hanging about is sure to excite the poor fellow." "Reade, you're too soft and easy," grunted a Paloma man in the crowd.

A steam shovel had been all but installed and a large stationary engine rested on nearly completed foundations. George Ashby, proprietor of the Mansion House, who had dared, during the last two days, to show himself a little more openly on the streets of Paloma, halted just as Tom and Harry stepped out of the automobile to look over the scene of Foreman Griggs's morning labors.

First, they broke up my games. Next, they talked their men out of going into Paloma and spending money for drink. Why, Ash, next thing you know, they would have brought missionaries to Paloma to convert men and to build churches!"

I take liberties with the laws and the customs of your country, dear lady, but you would not care for a man who allowed such considerations to stand in his way, eh?" Alaire answered, sharply: "It was a very reckless thing to do, and you must not remain here." "Yes, yes!" Paloma eagerly agreed. "You must go back at once." But Longorio heard no voice except Alaire's.