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Be prepared, Crébiche!" "Yes," said the stranger; "I will ask him to spell hoss." The child drew himself up rigidly, pointed his stiffened fingers down his thighs, rounded his pretty red mouth, and said slowly, in a low, melodious, distinct voice: "'O-double eth, awth." Bonaventure leapt from the platform and ran to the child. "Ah! mon p'tit garçon ah! my lil boy! 'O-double eth, listten, my chile.

"Read it on his luggage, dear girl. He has such a lot. See if he doesn't wear three different colored shirts for breakfast, lunch, and tea. And, if you refuse to help, who is to take care of le p'tit Edouard while I give the captain a trot round.

He solemnly extended a small and grubby hand towards her. Slowly her head came round, her eyes took him in almost uncomprehendingly; she saw the childish face, the little dirty hand, and suddenly there came to her the great gift of the Healer. "Oh! mon bébé, mon pauv' p'tit bébé!" She picked him up off the chair and, clutching him in her arms, put her face on his head and sobbed out her heart.

King who actually admitted me to the establishment is one Gianapolis; address unknown, but telephone number 18642 East. Make a note of him, that Gianapolis." "I'll arrest him in the morning," said Sowerby, writing furiously in his notebook. "Nom d'un p'tit bonhomme!

She had learnt this in the country when she had been put out to nurse, and upon every occasion she danced it, finishing always with this couplet: Mon p'tit ventr' ejouis toi Tout ce ze gagn' est pou' toi.... Nothing could be more comic than this chubby child, with her serious air.

Jimbo began to hum the song of the village he had learned in school P'tit Bourcelles sur sa colline De partout a gentille mine; On y pratique avec success L'exploitation du francais, and the moment it was over, his sister burst out with the question that had been buzzing inside her head the whole time 'How long are you going to stay? she said, as they climbed higher along the dusty road.

At eight o'clock, when it was growing dusk, and the moon rising, he reached the landing-place on the Branch, and found his canoe, with his two old canoe-men, P'tit Louis, and Vieux Louis, waiting for him.

There was a tugging and a trembling on the line, and it led, apparently, up the North-East Branch, past Brackett's Camp. But when the canoe reached the middle of the rapids P'tit Louis uttered an exclamation, leaned over the bow, and pulled up the end of a tree-top, the butt of which was firmly wedged among the rocks.

A French poilu of Territorials, who had been dozing, sat up with a grin and said, "Mais oui, mon vieux," and felt in his pouch for a cartridge, and then in his pockets, and then in the magazine of the rifle between his knees. "Fini!" he said. "Tout fini, mon p'tit camarade."

What secret spell of magic may have lain hidden in our friendly coachman's announcement we never knew. But the "p'tit bateau" worked magically. The figure of Mere Mouchard materialized at once into such zeal, such effusion, such a zest of welcome, that we, our bags, and our coachman were on the instant toiling up a pair of spiral wooden stairs.