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That is what I want to know." "It could 'ovver, your Royal Highness, like a wasp," said Bert. "Viel besser, nicht wahr?" said the Prince to Von Winterfeld, and then went on in German for a time. Presently they came to an end, and the two officers looked at Bert. One rang a bell, and the portfolio was handed to an attendant, who took it away.

And when I thought about it, it didn't flay me like it used to do; for I said to misen, 'I'll keep Owd Jerry alive ovver next St Mark's Day, choose how. So I knitted him a muffler for his throat and lined his weskit wi' flannen; I brewed him hot drinks made out o' herbs I'd gethered i' the hedgerows i' summertime, and rubbed his chest wi' a mixture o' saim frae the pig-killing, and honey frae the bee-skeps.

"I alvayss like to oplyche a yendleman," he smiled benignly, drew out a toothpick, and added, "ovver I nivveh bporrah or lend to ennabodda." "An' then," said Narcisse, promptly, "'tis imposs'ble faw anybody to be offended. Thass the bess way, Mr. Bison." "Yayss," said the baker, "I tink udt iss." As they were parting, he added: "Ovver you vait dtill you see mine prate!" "I'll do it, seh! And, Mr.

He blew his cheeks out, and rose a half-inch off his heels in recollection of the mighty leap. "Ovver Mr. Richlun sayss, he sayss, 'Kip shtill, Mr. Reisen; undt I kibt shtill." The baker's auditor was gradually drawing him back toward the hospital gate; but he continued speaking: "Py undt py, vun tay, I kot someting to say to Mr. Richlun, yet. Undt I sendts vert to Mr.

He iss not ferra shtrong; ovver he vurks like a shteam-inchyine." "I haven't seen him for many a day," said Dr. Sevier. The baker distended his eyes, bent his enormous digestive apparatus forward, raised his eyebrows, and hung his arms free from his sides. "He toandt kit a minudt to shpare in teh tswendy-four hourss. Sumptimes he sayss, 'Mr. Reisen, I can't shtop to talk mit you. Sindts Mr.

Bison, you muzn't think anything about that, my not bawing that five dollars fum you, Mr. Bison, because that don't make a bit o' dif'ence; an' thass one thing I like about you, Mr. Bison, you don't baw yo' money to eve'y Dick, Tom, an' Hawwy, do you?" "No, I dtoandt. Ovver, you yoost vait"

"I toant make him too udt," he continued, starting again; "he cumps to me sindts apowdt two-o-o mundts aco ven I shtill feelin' a liddle veak, yet, fun teh yalla-feewa undt yoost paygs me to let um too udt. 'Mr. Richlun, sayss I to him, 'I toandt kin untershtayndt for vot you vawndts to too sich a ritickliss, Mr. Richlun! Ovver he sayss, 'Mr.

An' we goes into t' drawn-room wheer her 'usband was a-settin'. They meks a gurt fuss ovver t' dog an' I has a bottle o' aale, an' he gave me a handful o' cigars. Soa I coomed away, but t' awd lass sings out "Oh, Mister Soldier, please coom again and bring that prettee dog." I didn't let on to t' Colonel's Laady about Mrs.

Not as I knawed much about it, for I fell on th' back of my head, an' was knocked stupid like. An' when I come to mysen it were mornin', an' I were lyin' on the settle i' Jesse Roantree's houseplace, an' 'Liza Roantree was settin' sewin', I ached all ovver, and my mouth were like a lime-kiln.

DeSussa threwed hints how t' cold weather would soon be ovver an' she was goin' to Munsooree Pahar an' we was goin' to Rawalpindi, an' she would niver see Rip any more onless somebody she knowed on would be kind tiv her. Soa I tells Mulvaney an' Ortheris all t' taale thro', beginnin' to end.