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Richlun tat he shouldt come into teh offuss. He cumps in. 'Mr. Richlun, I sayss, sayss I to him, 'Mr. Richlun, I kot udt!" The baker shook his finger in Dr. Sevier's face. "'I kot udt, udt layst, Mr. Richlun! I yoost het a suspish'n sindts teh first tay fot I employedt you, ovver now I know I kot udt! Vell, sir, he yoost turnun so rate ass a flennen shirt! 'Mr.

Richlun," still addressing the Doctor as though he were his book-keeper, "'I yoost layin, on my pett effra nighdt effra nighdt, vi-i-ite ava-a-ake! undt in apowdt a veek I make udt owdt ut layst tot you, Mr. Richlun, I lookt um shtraight in te eye, undt he lookt me shtraight te same, 'tot, Mr. Richlun, you, sayss I, 'not dtose fellehs fot pin py mo sindts more ass fife yearss, put you, Mr.

Richlun voss tare, shtayndting yoost so yoost so py teh shtofe; undt, Toctor Tseweer, I yoost tell you te ectsectly troot, he toaldt in fife minudts six minudts seven minudts, udt may pe undt shoadt me how effrapotty, high undt low, little undt pick, Tom, Tick, undt Harra, pin ropping me sindts more ass fife years!" The longest pause of all followed this disclosure.

"I toant make him too udt," he continued, starting again; "he cumps to me sindts apowdt two-o-o mundts aco ven I shtill feelin' a liddle veak, yet, fun teh yalla-feewa undt yoost paygs me to let um too udt. 'Mr. Richlun, sayss I to him, 'I toandt kin untershtayndt for vot you vawndts to too sich a ritickliss, Mr. Richlun! Ovver he sayss, 'Mr.

He iss not ferra shtrong; ovver he vurks like a shteam-inchyine." "I haven't seen him for many a day," said Dr. Sevier. The baker distended his eyes, bent his enormous digestive apparatus forward, raised his eyebrows, and hung his arms free from his sides. "He toandt kit a minudt to shpare in teh tswendy-four hourss. Sumptimes he sayss, 'Mr. Reisen, I can't shtop to talk mit you. Sindts Mr.