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The Doctor neither smiled nor spoke. Reisen resumed: "I seen udt. I seen udt. Ovver I toandt coult untershtayndt udt. Ovver one tay cumps in mine little poy in to me fen te pakers voss all ashleep, 'Pap-a, Mr. Richlun sayss you shouldt come into teh offuss. I kumpt in. Mr.

Richlin' innahow one pa'l. Undt I done-d it. Ovver I sayss, 'Doctor, dtat's not like a rigler sellery, yet. Undt dten he sayss, 'You know, mine pookkeeper he gone to te vor, undt I need'" A crash of brazen music burst upon the ear and drowned the voice. The throng of the sidewalk pushed hard upon its edge.

He blew his cheeks out, and rose a half-inch off his heels in recollection of the mighty leap. "Ovver Mr. Richlun sayss, he sayss, 'Kip shtill, Mr. Reisen; undt I kibt shtill." The baker's auditor was gradually drawing him back toward the hospital gate; but he continued speaking: "Py undt py, vun tay, I kot someting to say to Mr. Richlun, yet. Undt I sendts vert to Mr.

Richlun, iss teh mayn! teh mayn fot I kin trust!" The baker's middle parts bent out and his arms were drawn akimbo. Thus for ten seconds. "'Undt now, Mr. Richlun, do you kot teh shtrengdt for to shtart a noo pissness? Pecause, Toctor, udt pin seem to me Mr. So ten he sayss to me, 'Mister Reisen, I am yoost so sollut undt shtrong like a pilly-coat! Fot is teh noo pissness? 'Mr.

He iss not ferra shtrong; ovver he vurks like a shteam-inchyine." "I haven't seen him for many a day," said Dr. Sevier. The baker distended his eyes, bent his enormous digestive apparatus forward, raised his eyebrows, and hung his arms free from his sides. "He toandt kit a minudt to shpare in teh tswendy-four hourss. Sumptimes he sayss, 'Mr. Reisen, I can't shtop to talk mit you. Sindts Mr.

"You toandt kott enna verte to sendt to Mr. Richlun, Toctor!" "Yes. Tell him to come and pass an hour with me some evening in my library." The German lifted his hand in delight. "Vy, tot's yoost teh dting! Mr. Richlun alvayss pin sayin', 'I vish he aysk me come undt see um; undt I sayss, 'You holdt shtill, yet, Mr.

He sayss, 'Reisen, he sayss, 'you yoost co to Toctor Tsewier." He bent his great body over the farther end of the table and slowly worked out his name, street, and number. "Dtere udt iss, Toctor; I put udt town on teh schlate; ovver, I hope you ugscooce te hayndtwriding." "Very well. That's right. That's all." The German lingered. The Doctor gave a bow of dismission. "That's all, I say.

Reisen, sayss he to me, 'fot iss udt fot you kot? Undt sayss I to him, 'Mr. Richlun, udt iss you! Udt is you fot I kot!" Dr. Sevier stood sphinx-like, and once more Reisen went on. "'Yes, Mr.

Richlun, sayss I, 've goin' to make pettent prate!" "What?" asked the Doctor, frowning with impatience and venturing to interrupt at last. "Pet-tent prate!" The listener frowned heavier and shook his head. "Pettent prate!" "Oh! patent bread; yes. Well?" "Yes," said Reisen, "prate mate mit a mutcheen; mit copponic-essut kass into udt ploat pefore udt is paked.