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Richlun voss tare, shtayndting yoost so yoost so py teh shtofe; undt, Toctor Tseweer, I yoost tell you te ectsectly troot, he toaldt in fife minudts six minudts seven minudts, udt may pe undt shoadt me how effrapotty, high undt low, little undt pick, Tom, Tick, undt Harra, pin ropping me sindts more ass fife years!" The longest pause of all followed this disclosure.

Richlun pin py my etsteplitchmendt, I tell you teh troot, Toctor Tseweer, I am yoost meckin' monneh haynd ofer fist!" He swung his chest forward again, drew in his lower regions, revolved his fists around each other for a moment, and then let them fall open at his sides, with the added assurance, "Now you kott teh ectsectly troot." The Doctor started away, but the baker detained him by a touch:

"I didn't recommend him to you, sir. I wrote you distinctly that I did not feel at liberty to recommend him." "Tat iss teh troot, Toctor Tseweer; tat iss teh ectsectly troot. Shtill I taught I'll yoost trop in on you to say a verte to you, Toctor, apowt Mister" He hung his large head at one side to remember. "Richling," said the Doctor, impatiently. "Yes, sir. Apowt Mister Richlun.

"Sure, Tocter Tseweer, I toandt hef nutting to gomblain akinst teh vertes of tat letter. You voss mighty puttickly. Ovver, shtill, I hef sumpting to tell you vot ef you het a-knowdt udt pefore you writed tose vertes, alreatty, t'ey voot a little tifferendt pin." "Well, sir, why don't you tell it?" Reisen smiled. "Tat iss teh ectsectly vot I am coing to too.

Reisen, he sayss, 'toandt you aysk me te reason, ovver yoost let me co abate undt too udt! Undt I voss a coin' to kiff udt up, alretty; ovver ten cumps in Missess Reisen, who iss a heap shmarter mayn as fot Reisen iss, I yoost tell you te ectsectly troot, and she sayss, 'Reisen, you yoost tell Mr. Richlun, Mr. Richlun, you toadnt coin' to too sich a ritickliss!" The speaker paused for effect.