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Reisen, he sayss, 'toandt you aysk me te reason, ovver yoost let me co abate undt too udt! Undt I voss a coin' to kiff udt up, alretty; ovver ten cumps in Missess Reisen, who iss a heap shmarter mayn as fot Reisen iss, I yoost tell you te ectsectly troot, and she sayss, 'Reisen, you yoost tell Mr. Richlun, Mr. Richlun, you toadnt coin' to too sich a ritickliss!" The speaker paused for effect.

'Missess Reisen, he sayss, 'I vawndts to too udt pecause I vawndts to too udt. Vell, how you coin' to arg-y ennating eagval mit Mr. Richlun? So teh upshodt iss he coes owdt in teh prate-cawts tistripputin' te prate!" Reisen threw his arms far behind him, and bowed low to his listener. Dr.

Perspiration glistened on his pasty, pale face and the rolls of fat that crowded over his flannel collar. His little, dead, white-rimmed, pale gray eyes had the ferocity of a hog's which has found something to rend and devour. He looked into their shocked faces and made a bow. "Goot ma a rnin, Mister and Missess Dene!" he said, and turned his back.

"Not a morsel of light is visible outside. Let them ring we have all gone to bed." He turned to Sally, grinning with impish enjoyment of his own stratagem. "Ha, Miss! what do you think of that?" There was a third pull at the bell as he spoke. "Ring away, Missess Matrone!" he cried. "We are fast asleep wake us if you can." The fourth ring was the last.