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Updated: August 14, 2024

I had on'y so many r-rounds iv catridges an' a cross-cut saw, an' I failed to provide mesilf with th' ord'nary necessities iv life. But, in spite iv me deficiencies, I wint bravely ahead. Th' sthrain was something tur-r'ble on me. Me mind give out repeatedly. I cud not think at times, but I niver faltered. In two months I had enough supplies piled up in Maine to feed ivry sojer in Cubia.

All of which seems like so much hoss sense, seem' the natur' of things is that most gals needs their minds made up for 'em. You see, Bull, I kind o' fancy womenfolk ain't just ord'nary. They got a bug that makes 'em think queer wher' men are concerned.

You're himperfectly eddicated, Sargint," sez 'e, an' then we fell in. But after p'rade, 'e was up an' Mullins was swearin' 'imself black in the face at Ord'ly Room that Mulvaney 'ad called 'im a swine an' Lord knows wot all. You know Mullins. 'E'll 'ave 'is 'ead broke in one o' these days. 'E's too big a bloomin' liar for ord'nary consumption.

"An' next year 'twill be Saturday," retorted 'Bias with a sour grin; "it that'll content you, when it comes. None of us can't help it. Th' almanack says 'tis Christmas Day, and ord'nary days o' the week don't count. Besides, 'tis quarter-day, and I've brought my rent." "I've brought mine, too," replied Cai. "Well, we'll leave it to Mrs Bosenna to settle." They walked up to the house in silence.

"Wuss nor sin, cap'n. Ord'nary manslaughter isn't in it with a nor'- east gale on a dark night off them islands north o' Perim." "Exactly," agreed the Baron eagerly. "That is where the Roman triremes were caught. They were driven ashore in a little bay in what is now Italian territory. Their vessels were wrecked, but they saved the loot they had taken from the Sabaeans.

"No! no! no!" came Slavin's soft brogue, in tones of vehement protest to something the coroner had said, "I tell yu' 'tis not right, Docthor, that yu' shud run such risk! Wid us 'tis diff'runt takin' th' chances av life an' death just ord'nary course av juty. . . ." "Oh, tut! tut! nonsense, Sergeant," was the physician's brisk response. "You forget.

Beasley chuckled across at him, and the sound of his mirth infuriated Buck. He understood the laugh and the meaning underlying it. "Buck turned wet nurse," cried the ex-Churchman, as he beheld the sudden flush on the youngster's face. "You can ke'p your durned talk," Buck cried. "You Beasley and the lot of you," he went on recklessly. "She's no ord'nary gal; she's she's a lady."

'Here's a tacker, I said, 'can climb up to the top of Emmanuel's in his sleep, and I've been wasting money and temper on them that won't go up an ord'nary chimbley when they're wideawake, 'ithout I lights a furze-bush underneath to hurry them." "I trust," put in Miss Plinlimmon, aghast, "you are jesting, Mr. Trapp?" "Jesting, ma'am?"

These things is jest general notions to kep in your head fer ord'nary guidance. Kids' clothes needs washin' every Monday with soap. Mebbe you'll need to wash every day if kids is frolicsome. Bow-ties is for Sunday wear. Girl's hair needs braidin' every night, an' don't leave chewin' t'baccer around. Kids is sure to eat it.

Best give 'em physic every Saturday night, an' bath 'em Sunday mornin'. Don't use no hand scrubber. If you can't git through the dirt by ord'nary washin', best leave it. Kids is tender-skinned anyway. After their bath set 'em out in the sun, an' give 'em an elegant Bible talk. Ther' ain't nothin' like a Bible talk fer kids.

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