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"O-o-oh!" exclaimed Bob, the vista of delight thus presented being almost too great for words; for the sight of the sea, now that he had seen it and been actually on board a ship, had made him long for a sail, his involuntary dip of the previous night not having any deterrent influence. "Won't that be jolly, Dick?"

"Gee, but it would taste good," he said aloud. "What?" "I was thinking of breakfast," said poor Tommy, "hot rolls and things like that, Judy." "O-o-oh," said Judy, "how about some hot biscuit, with one of Perkins' omelettes and creamed potatoes?" "Oh, don't," groaned hungry Tommy, and fled. He came back in about two minutes, swaggering with importance.

'O-o-oh! answered the child, and with a catch, as it were, and a thrill in the voice that astonished him. Her eyes, fixed on his, grew larger and rounder. She came a pace or two towards him on tiptoe, halted, clasped both hands over her dancing-shoes, and exclaimed, with a deeper thrill than before: 'You are Colonel Baigent! 'Eh? The colonel sat bolt upright.

"O-o-oh!" cried the ladies in a chorus. The camel suddenly humped his back, and the gasps turned to shrieks. "Oh look!" "What is it?" The dancing stopped, but the dancers hurrying over got quite a different impression of the invader from that of the ladies by the door; in fact, the young people immediately suspected that it was a stunt, a hired entertainer come to amuse the party.

"The invitation, and the trousseau, and the presents, and everything. Think of the scandal, dear. We couldn't. Don't you see, dear, we can't back out, now?" "O-o-oh." "I almost wish but don't you see ?" "Oh, I can't stand it another hour!" "You're excited, dear," soothingly. "You'd better go rest a while. I'll have a good talk with Porter. And you go upstairs and lie down. The Carrolls' dinner "

He stuttered a little bit, and once when he was with a group of friends he spoke very harshly of some man who was not present. One of his friends said: "Why, Charles, I didn't know that you knew so and so." "O-o-oh," he said, "I-I d-d-don't; I-I can't h-h-h hate a m-m-man I-I know." There is a great deal of human nature, of very pleasant human nature, in the saying.

Sue did not know what to make of the strange actions of Dix on the bed where the injured boy had been sleeping, and she whispered to Bunny: "Maybe Dix wants to bite him!" But Bunny shook his head. He understood what had happened. "Don't you see, Sue!" he said. "He's been found." "O-o-oh!" gasped the little girl. "Yes, sir, Fred Ward, the boy who ran away from next door to us, has been found.

O-o-oh, sure enough! That's a big fire. Just hear the engines. Oh, let's go!" "Sure; come on, let's go!" exclaimed Vandover. "Tell Ida to hurry up." "Oh, Ida," cried Bessie up the stairs, "there's an awful big fire right near here, and we're going." "Oh, wait!" shouted Ida, her mouth full of pins. "I had to change my waist. Oh, do wait for me. Where is it at?

He was so thin and weak, so exceedingly fragile, that Sally could not deliberately have hurt him. Instead, she was bent upon his salvation. "Bertram," she said. "We must get away to-day. This morning. D'you see? We must." "O-o-oh!" groaned Gaga, in unformulated opposition. "We must. We'll go to Penterby this morning." "But my dear!" it was a long wailing cry, like that of an old woman.

There was silence then for a moment or so, as if Bob was trying to secure the object that had taken his fancy, the quietude being broken by his giving vent to a prolonged "O-o-oh!" "What's the matter?" cried Nellie, who had stopped without the briary tangle into which her brother had plunged, noticing that his accents of delight suddenly changed to those of pain. "Are you hurt?"