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At the present writing the poultry editors of the country are having much discussion over the conclusion of Dr. Morse of the Bureau of Animal Industry to the effect that white diarrhoea is caused by an intestinal parasite similar to the germ that causes human dysentery. Dr.

"You saved our bacon for us." "I'm glad I did," replied Tom, limping around. "Are you hurt much?" asked Morse. "No, only a bit of sprained ankle. I'll be all right in a little while, I guess." "It was great! Simply great!" exclaimed Jack a few hours later, when he and Tom and Bert sat in their room, the smell of arnica filling the apartment, coming from Tom's bandaged ankle.

He picked up an envelope that had dropped where the stranger had been standing. "The man lost this from his pocket, dad," said Tom eagerly. "It's a telegram. Shall we look at it?" "I think we will be justified in protecting ourselves. Is the envelope open?" "Yes." "Then read the telegram." Tom drew out a folded yellow slip of paper. It was a short message. He read: "'Anson Morse, Mansburg.

Communication was therefore interrupted until Edison mounted a locomotive and sounded the whistle in short and long calls according to the well-known 'Morse, or telegraphic code. After a time the reporter at Sarnia caught the idea, and messages were exchanged by the new system.

"And now," he said, coolly tightening the rope around his neck with a jerk of his head "Go on, and be damned to you! I'm ready." They did not hesitate this time. And Martin Morse and Captain Jack Despard were buried in the same grave. The largest tent of the Tasajara camp meeting was crowded to its utmost extent. The excitement of that dense mass was at its highest pitch.

and Mona Galbraith read, with twinkling eyes: "I'll respond to that sweet call!" Then it was Philip Van Reypen's turn. He glanced at his valentine, and asked: "Who's a roguish little elf?" Everybody laughed when a tall, serious-faced girl responded: "I guess I am that, myself!" It was toward the last that Clifford Morse asked: "Who's the dearest girl I know?"

The public, eager to thank Morse, as he deserves, thanks him for something he did not invent. For this he probably cares very little. Nor do I care more. But the public does not thank him for what he did originate, this invaluable and simple alphabet.

It would be mighty hard to convince a jury that a man meditating murder had recorded his correct name for the benefit of the police. The coincidence was certainly astonishing, but it was in Jones' favor. They walked over to the office of Allen, Morse & Jones. Mr. Allen was there. "Good-morning, Mr. Allen," said Jones, "My name has got me into trouble again." "How is that?"

"Read it!" ordered Morse frowning, and because she feared him, Jinnie took the letter nervously. The woman's words had shattered her last hope. For a moment the well-known handwriting whirled; then the words came clearly before her vision: * "MY DARLING," she read. "Won't you come to me when you get this? My heart aches to have you once more in my arms. I shall expect you very soon.

It was an announcement that, at the very last hour of the session of the previous night, a bill had been passed by Congress appropriating the sum of thirty thousand dollars for the purpose of enabling Professor Morse to construct an experimental line of telegraph between Baltimore and Washington.