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I am a doctor, a prescriber of pills, a mender of bones, a plumber of pipes ... my work does not call for beauty. Beauty is an embarrassment to a doctor. You would be happier, young fellow, without that wavy brown hair and those big eyes of yours, with their long lashes. A man is built for work, like a truck. Gold and leather upholstering do not belong there.

Boyd can mend it fit to be seen! I can't take it to the tailors now." "She darns beautifully." "Well, that's what she's here for; mender in general." "But it seems dreadful to ask her to do it in the evening, and the daylight is almost gone." Louie hated to give up whatever her mind was set upon. She hurriedly changed her frock and put on a light evening dress.

"A beautiful mender she was, to be sure! look here, Miss Ellen just see that patch the way it is put on so evenly by a thread all round; and the stitches, see and see the way this rent is darned down oh, that was the way she did everything!" "I can't do it so," said Ellen, sighing "but I can learn that I can do. You will teach me, Margery won't you?"

She frightened that terrible trio! Of all her wondrous beauty nothing remained but her fine eyes, dimmed and sunken. The only thing faithful to her was misfortune. She was welcomed by the skilled old instrument mender, who greeted her with unspeakable joy. "Why, here you are, my poor Marianna!" said he, warmly. "During your absence they sold up my instrument and my operas."

The man brought his serene, white face nearer. "What would you have given," he asked solemnly, "for the cause for which your father died?" "My life," said Landless. "Would you give it still?" "A worthless gift," said Landless bitterly. "Yea, I would give it, but the cause is dead." The other shook his head. "The cause of the just man dieth not." There was a pause broken by the mender of nets.

The general scarcity of everything, occasioned candles to be borrowed in a rather peremptory manner of Monsieur Gabelle; and in a moment of reluctance and hesitation on that functionary's part, the mender of roads, once so submissive to authority, had remarked that carriages were good to make bonfires with, and that post-horses would roast. The chateau was left to itself to flame and burn.

"The celebrated Essper George, fresh from Fairyland, dealer in pomatum and all sorts of perfumery, watches, crosses, Ems crystal, coloured prints, Dutch toys, Dresden china, Venetian chains, Neapolitan coral, French crackers, chamois bracelets, tame poodles, and Cherokee corkscrews, mender of mandolins and all other musical instruments, to Lady Madeleine Trevor, has just arrived at Ems, where he only intends to stay two or three days, and a few more weeks besides.

"Tell me, for Heaven's sake," I exclaimed, "the method if method there is by which you have been enabled to fathom my soul in this matter." In fact I was even more startled than I would have been willing to express. "It was the fruiterer," replied my friend, "who brought you to the conclusion that the mender of soles was not of sufficient height for Xerxes et id genus omne."

It developed that Worth visited this tip of the Island with the ever faithful Watts, and that one day the boat mender and Watts had oh just the awfulest fight with words Worth had ever heard.

To be sure, if Austen Vane had been Timothy Smith, the Mender case might not have made quite so many ripples in the pond with which this story is concerned. Austen did what he thought was right. In the opinion of many of his father's friends whom he met from time to time he had made a good-sized stride towards ruin, and they did not hesitate to tell him so Mr.