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W. Keyse whistled and slapped his leg. "An' I bin' noticin' it on me own for a long while back now I come to think of it. Woddyou pipe's the matter wiv 'im? Not ill? Lumme! if 'e was ill " The eyes of W. Keyse became circular with consternation. "No, no, deer!" She reassured him, in his ignorance that the maladies of the soul are more agonising far than those that afflict the body.

Pike, who cried out: "What kites she won't carry she can drag!" An hour later I caught Tom Spink, just relieved from his shift at the wheel and weak from exhaustion. "What do you think now of the carpenter and his bag of tricks?" I queried. "Lord lumme, it should a-ben the mate, sir," was his reply.

"Tommy Flynn," I answered, "Tommy Rot fits him better." "You ain't a-going to stand up and get hit, are you?" "What else is there for me to do?" I asked. He threw up his arms despairingly. "Lor' lumme! then I bids you good-bye and washes my hands clean of you." And he went round behind the counter in disgust, spitting among the sawdust.

"It belonged to that 'orror Bendigo Jones, and 'e went and give it to the General." The speaker swallowed once or twice. "Then the General, 'e gives it back, in a manner of speaking. Only Bendy had gone by the time it come, and I 'adn't. Lumme! wot a life." Two men were seated at a table in a restaurant. Dinner was over, and from all around them came the murmur of complacent and well-fed London.

And, In any case, whether the Prince isn't worth fifty a week more than his Russian friend? Lumme!" An awed silence fell upon the group. His only feeling was one of relief that the editor had served up his material so well. He felt that he had been justified in leaving the more delicate literary work to that master-hand. "That'll be one in the eye," said the Zouave Harry.

The gates stood unlocked; and our two seamen found themselves next in a carriage-drive along which it was plain no carriage had passed for a very long while. It was overgrown with weeds, and straggling laurels encroached upon it on either hand; and as it rounded one of these laurels Mr. Jope caught his breath sharply. "Lor' lumme!" he exclaimed. "It is a seat, as the gel said!" Mr.

"It's human lives we're saving to-night, not engines." "Gor lumme! Wots the use o' losin' the engine, too, I says. Any'ow, them rifles in there is more use to us 'ere than there at the trestle. An' I can't be savin' 'uman lives, women ones, in these togs." Murphy climbed back into the cab.

"Guv," cried the Old Un, seizing Ravenslee's right hand, boxing glove and all, and shaking it to and fro, "you're a credit to us, you do us bloomin' proud strike me pink, ye do! 'Ere 's Joe 'ammered you an' 'ammered you look at your bloomin' chest lumme!

The soldier's glare and the soldier's tone must have betrayed themselves to the two other men as factitious; the derelict, anyhow, lost his nervousness and, approaching nearer, scanned the soldier with dim, peering eyes; then broke into a joyous grin and exclaimed: "Lumme, if it ain't ol' Bert!" And the fat man, leaning on his counter, and likewise examining the soldier, cried, "Ol' Bert it is!"

Then he bathed 'is face very careful and 'elped Peter bathe his 'ead. They 'ad just finished when they heard Sam coming upstairs, and Ginger sat down on 'is bed and began to whistle, while Peter took up a bit o' newspaper and stood by the candle reading it. "Lor' lumme, Ginger!" ses Sam, staring at 'im. "What ha' you been a-doing to your face?" "Me?" ses Ginger, careless-like.