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"I s'pose ye be goin' ter Briarwood, gals?" he added, curiously. "Yes," replied Ruth. "Where's yer baggage?" he asked. "We only have our bags. Our trunks have gone by the way of Lumberton," explained Ruth. "Ah! Well! All right!" grunted the driver, and started to shut the door. Then he glanced from Ruth and Helen to the little foreign lady.

He was less restless than Ruth expected him to be, and he still signified his intention of coming to help the little old Irish gardener at Briarwood Hall. "When he recovers his powers of speech," said the doctor, "it will be as suddenly as he lost them. No doubt of that. But it is a most puzzling case. I am glad he is not going far from Lumberton. I want to watch the progress of the affair."

As Lily Pendleton was one of the girls who must shop in Lumberton, Purt Sweet was most willing to tarry and accompany the girls ashore. He was, in fact, the only escort the girls had when they went up into the town in search of the several articles they needed. The dude was evidently proud of his outing suit and, as Billy suggested, "wanted to give the people of Lumberport a treat."

And, anyway, I would come near to starving before I would use this check." "We ell! I don't know that I blame you," sighed her friend. "I'd be as pleased as Punch if it were mine. Just think of your writing a real moving picture!" she repeated. "Won't the girls be surprised? And suppose it comes to Lumberton and we can all go and see it? You will be famous, Ruth."

That it was "poky" and "stuffy." And on this second day Ruth and Helen saw that the rivalry for membership between the clubs was very keen indeed. A girl couldn't have friends among the members of both the F. C.'s and the Upedes that was plain. Many new girls arrived on this day mostly from the Lumberton direction.

In the morning his grandmother admitted having found the boy curled up in a rug and asleep before the sitting-room fire. "An' I thought he was out o' doors all the time," she said. "I ought to punish him, anyway, I s'pose, for scaring me so." Hammond, head of the Alectrion Film Corporation. She called up the Lumberton Hotel every day to learn if the film company had arrived.

The eight girls made the corridor ring with laughter and shouts while they were getting settled. The trunks had arrived from Lumberton and Helen and Ruth were busy decorating the big room which they were to share in the future with the lame girl and Ann Hicks.

So sure had that gentleman been of her success, and so pleased was he with the plan of the entire play, that he had taken a copy of the first part with him when he left Lumberton and now wrote that Mr. Grimes was already making a few of the studio scenes. The young author rather shrank from letting the pugnacious Mr. Grimes have anything to do with her story; but she knew that both Mr.

The boy has perfectly recovered. He remembers you astonishingly. He is constantly repeating that you are gone, and calling after you. When I told him to call Mr. Alston grandfather "Grandfather gone," says he. I kiss you from my heart. Lumberton, S. C., October 29, 1803. Thank Heaven, my dear father, I am at Lumberton, and within a few days of rest.

Then the gentleman let the spirited team go, and they dashed off over the road toward Lumberton. At once Helen told her father who the injured youth was. Having heard all the details of his young folks' adventures on the road to Boisé Landing, Mr. Cameron knew just who Roberto was, and he saw the importance of learning from him, if possible, where his clan had gone.