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Updated: August 10, 2024

'Ha! he said, 'Alexandrines, the tragic metre. I shall cherish this, your Highness, like a relic; no more suitable offering, although I say it, could be made. "DIEUX DE L'IMMENSE PLAINE ET DES VASTES FORETS." Very good, he said, 'very good indeed! "ET DU GEOLIER LUI-MEME APPRENDRE DES LECONS." Most handsome, begad!

"Laloutre, ayant vu que les Acadiens ne paroissoient pas fort pressés d'abandonner leurs biens, avoit lui-même mis le feu á l'Église, et l'avoit fait mettre aux maisons des habitants par quelques-uns de ceux qu'il avoit gagnés," etc. Mémoires sur le Canada, 1749-1760. "Les sauvages y mirent le feu." Précis des Faits, 85. "Les sauvages mirent le feu aux maisons."

Mon pere est parti tout entier, lui-meme jusqu'au bout, dans la possession de son esprit et de son ame, plein de confiance en Dieu, nous recommandant de servir le pays qu'il avait supremement aime et dont les malheurs ont d'abord ebranle sa sante. Ma Pauline aussi ne s'etait jamais relevee de la guerre. Us sont ensemble et en paix. Adieu, mon cher Monsieur.

As our friend the Cappuccino advanced, with folded arms, he looked straight into the visage of the little Frenchman, with a bland, serene, composed abstraction, not to be described. There was not the faintest trace of recognition or amusement on his features; not the smallest consciousness of bread and meat, wine, snuff, or cigars. 'C'est lui-meme, I heard the little Frenchman say, in some doubt.

Such a testimony coming from a courtier, as the chef of a king's cuisine must be called, was, perhaps, the very highest he felt able to give; and to be respectable means more than meets the ear. Does not La Bruyere say: 'Un homme de bien est respectable par lui-meme et independamment de tous les dehors'? He had, perhaps, that axiom in his mind.

"La musique est le seul des talens qui jouissent de lui-meme; tons les autres veulent des temoins."* MARMONTEL. * Music is the sole talent which gives pleasure of itself; all the others require witnesses. "Thus the slow ox would gaudy trappings claim."

If he were here, we would knock off the thing between our fruit and cheese." Just at that moment the door opened suddenly. "Is supper ready?" asked a deep voice. "Eh, here he is, the dear friend! "O surprise extreme! Grand Dieu! c'est lui-meme alive and in the flesh." "And hungry," said Gerfaut, as he dropped into a chair near the fire.

"I regret much not having been able to send a letter I had written to you, and carried on board the Admiral this morning; mais tu sais bien qu'il ne se met guère en peine d'écrire lui-même, and he is so full of mystery at this time that he seems unwilling any letter should be sent but those he writes to Government. It shall go some other opportunity. "Tuesday, 19th.

Jean" leaning forward with jaw protruding and a oneness of bristly eyebrows, "Ces grande messieurs qui ne foutent 'pas mal si l'on CREVE de faim, savez-vous ils croient chacun qu'il est Le Bon Dieu LUI-Meme. Et M'sieu' Jean, savez-vous, ils sont tous" leaning right in my face, the withered hand making a pitiful fist of itself "ils. Sont. Des.

"Ha!" he said, "Alexandrines, the tragic metre. I shall cherish this, your Highness, like a relic; no more suitable offering, although I say it, could be made. 'Dieux de l'immense plaine et des vastes forêts. Very good," he said, "very good indeed! 'Et du geôlier lui-même apprendre des leçons. Most handsome, begad!"

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