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She realized too, how good and forgiving this dear animal was; how she had cared for her, and nearly died to save her life, in spite of the wrongs done to her by human beings. "When I grow up," she said, "I will never let anyone hurt a bush creature. They shall all be happy where I am." "But there are so many Humans.

And we shall see Him. But there is another side, fearful indeed. "The door was shut." What words these are. The door closed in the face of the rest of the virgins. No more possibility, for them to enter in. Directly they come saying "Lord, Lord, open to us." But He answered and said, "Verily I say unto you, I know you not." They find themselves shut out. And let me say this is their final state.

Here, was it?" "What has become of him?" "He is abroad, I hope," said Aram, calmly. "Yes, let me think; by this time he must be in France.

Yet the cottage was large for the couple and their assistants. "Dar was two front rooms on de next flo' dat dey never used," explained Aunt Chloe; "friends allowed dat dey could let 'em to white folks, but dey had always been done kep' for Marse Hamlin, ef he ever wanted to be wid his old niggers again."

He was in earnest. "Maybe maybe you think you do mean it now." she said breathlessly. "If you do I'm sorry for you. It isn't nice to be in love unless the other person is, too." "What do you know about it?" he burst out angrily. "You aren't in love with that virtuous citizen of yours, whether or not he is with you. Let him go back to Gail.

Such a woman could give no advice that would be of much service to such an alert, thoughtful girl as Astumastao, and so, unaided and undisciplined, she let her thoughts drift and her heart become the seat of emotions and feelings most diverse. Sometimes she bitterly upbraided herself for her coldness and indifference to Oowikapun as she thought of his many noble qualities.

"We'll help you to pick them up if you will let us," cried Paul and Anne; and they immediately ran to her assistance.

Why, your thoughts run by nature away from yourself; you were born for others." Her daughter kissed her gratefully, and smiled: but after a pause, said, sorrowfully, "Ah! that was the old Julia, as seen with your dear eyes. I have almost forgotten her. "Let me kiss this monster that I have brought into the world," said Mrs. Dodd. "And now let me think."

"You'll curl up and die if you do that," he said. "Besides, if mother were here she wouldn't let you do it, so you oughtn't to. The reason why she's gone to be a governess is because she wouldn't let you give up the Motor, father. You know it is." "Yes. It's true but " he hesitated. "You simply can't do it, that's all. So I'm perfectly certain you won't!

In the open air, specially adapted kinds of floors must be made, because their framework, swelling with dampness, or shrinking from dryness, or sagging and settling, injures the floors by these changes; besides, the frost and rime will not let them go unhurt. Hence, if necessity drives, we must proceed as follows in order to make them as free from defects as possible.