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"I did not," answered the pirate prince, pouring down the contents of a prodigious beaker at a single draught. "A very desperate man, I imagine. But it is hard for me to blame any one so long as he fights openly. Still," he added, with a laugh, "I mustn't express such sentiments, now that his excellency has given me this."

Thee inspires me," she said, with a little laugh, in which there was a note of sadness. "I may use 'thee, may I not, when I will? I am a little a Quaker also, am I not? My people came from Derbyshire, my American people, that is and only forty years ago. Almost thee persuades me to be a Quaker now," she added.

She thought she recognized the voice, and the sound of her own name uttered in such ardent tones made her heart beat and her color rise, for it seemed to signify that the serenade was for them. As the last melodious murmur ceased, there came a stifled laugh from below, and something fell into the balcony.

Here it was that Miss Hamilton's inclination to laugh, which had increased in proportion as she endeavoured to suppress it, at length overcame her, and broke out in an immoderate fit: Lady Muskerry took it in good humour, not doubting but it was the fantastical conduct of her husband that she was laughing at.

Under the influence of music I really seem to feel what I do not feel, to understand what I do not understand, to have powers which I cannot have. Music seems to me to act like yawning or laughter; I have no desire to sleep, but I yawn when I see others yawn; with no reason to laugh, I laugh when I hear others laugh.

"Miss Haviland, you did not ask to be kissed back there." She turned quickly in front of him to catch his gaze, so that he had to stop. "Not in so many words," he added, "I mean you hesitated as much as I." "Fancy that," she replied with a laugh, and began walking again, swinging her legs gaily, letting her skirt billow.

The Richlings laughed again, and would have been glad to laugh more; but each, without knowing it of the other, was reflecting with some mortification upon the fact that, had they been talking French, Narcisse would have bitten his tongue off before any of his laughter should have been at their expense.

Vavasour Lord Vavasour, if he likes if you'll warrant me against laughing in his face." And the old man did laugh, till he stopped and held his sides again. "Oh, father, father, don't be so cruel. Remember how wretched the poor man is." "I can't think of anything but old Bolus's boy turned poet. Why did you tell me, Tom, you bad fellow?

The German thrust his head out of the arbour, and followed her with a loud laugh; then drawing himself in again, he said in quite another accent, and in excellent English, "There, Master Philip, we have got rid of the girl for the rest of the morning, and that's exactly what I wanted to do women's wits are confoundedly sharp. Well, did I not tell you right, we have baffled all the bloodhounds!"

If he were at sea that night, and near a dangerous coast, as it is said he was; and if the vessel that was seen should really be the ship which 'Rosa! said Mrs. Steerforth, 'come to me! She came, but with no sympathy or gentleness. Her eyes gleamed like fire as she confronted his mother, and broke into a frightful laugh. 'Now, she said, 'is your pride appeased, you madwoman?