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"Good! but this is Hackh's house the nunnery," said the one; and the other added, "You're just in time for dinner." The captain found these facts to be excruciating. He clapped Rudolph on the arm, and crowed: "Nunnery? We'll make it a bloomin' chummery! Dinner be 'anged! A banquet. What's more, I've brought the chow" he swept the huddled boxes with a prodigal gesture, "lashin's o' food and drink!

This one was a bigger job than the fust, but by and by that gas wagon, with planks under her and cable lashin's holdin' her firm, was restin' easy as a settin' hen between them two floats. I unshipped my mast, fetched it aboard the nighest float, and spread the sail over the biggest part of the brasswork and upholstery. "'There, says I, 'if it rains durin' the night she'll keep pretty dry.

De nigger went ter wuk, but did n' 'pear ter know how ter han'le a hoe. It tuk des 'bout half de oberseah's time lookin' atter 'im, en dat po' nigger got mo' lashin's en cussin's en cuffin's dan any fo' yuthers on de plantation.

"The good Lord in Heaven behear us! . . . Whose money be this, an' where dropped from?" "There piles of it " panted 'Beida. "Lashin's of it " echoed 'Bert. "An' it all belongs to Mr Nanjivell, that we used to call Nicky-Nan, an' wonder if we could get a pair o' father's old trousers on to him with a little tact an' him all the while as rich as Squire Tresawna!"

Remember I'm a poor man I ain't got lashin's of money like you to count ev'ry night of my life he, he, he!" The boy had appeared at the mill door first, and he stepped down and would have taken the bag of grain out of the wagon, had not the miller himself suddenly appeared and said, in his stern way: "Let it be." "Hi, Jabe!" cackled Jasper. "Don't be mean about it. He's younger than me, or you.

Then they clapped lashin's on those of us that I s'pose they thought well enough to give 'em any trouble; and now they're transferrin' the poor unfortunate slaves, with the water and provisions for 'em, from our ship to their own. What they'll do after that the Lord only knows, but I expect it'll be some murderin' trick or another; they're a cut-throat-lookin' lot enough in all conscience!"

I've had flasks iv whisky give me, me that have lashin's iv whisky at me elbow day an' night; an', whin I opined thim, blue an' yellow flames come out an' some iv th' stuff r-run over on th' flure, an' set fire to th' buildin'. I smoke th' best five-cint see-gar that money can buy; yet, whin a good frind iv mine wants to make me a prisint f'r Christmas, he goes to a harness shop an' buys a box iv see-gars with excelsior fillin's an' burlap wrappers, an', if I smoked wan an' lived, I'd be arristed f'r arson.

Be the powers, an' we'll have a night of it! there'll be lashin's o' drink, the Vargent be blessed and praised for 't!" They went on, the mulatto inclining for a moment to show fight, and drag the woman Wolfe off with them; but, being pacified, she staggered away.

Hows'ever, like the lubber he is axing your pardon humbly, sir, for speakin' disrespectable of one of your passengers, sir he lets the dipper slip in between the breakers; and in tryin' to get it out again he managed to cast off the lashin's; two of the breakers struck adrift; and before we could do anything with 'em they had started three of the planks, makin' the boat leak that bad that, as you saw yourself, sir, it were all we could do to keep her above water until you reached us."

Griddle-cakes with lashin's of butter and sugar on 'em, I wager." "Dear me!" sighed Helen, as Ruth, too, got out, laughing. "You are incurable, Jennie. Your goddess is your tummy." But the plump girl was not at all abashed. She ran up the walk on to the porch and warmly greeted the little old woman who stood in the doorway. "How-do, Jennie. Oh, my back and oh, my bones! Be careful, child!