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"Oh, Dorothy, don't talk like that, or you'll make me cry," pleaded Kate. "Let us be cheerful whatever happens. Tell us about the money. Begin 'Once upon a time, and then everything will be all right. No matter how harrowing such a story begins, it always ends with lashin's and lashin's of money, or else with a prince in a gorgeous uniform and gold lace, and you get the half of his kingdom.

We hadn't been able to do much with the wreck stuff, except git lashin's onto it for to keep it from swingin' about, and we hadn't dared for to try for to send up another main-topsail. We had set the reefed mainsail for to steady her, and that were all.

"Oh, my, yes lashin's!" echoed Larry. Abby was what is called "a go-ahead" young person. She was domestic in her tastes, and, for her years, could make herself very useful about the house when she chose. Now, therefore, she had no diffidence about her ability to carry out her undertaking.

When the boat was reached and the men were on board, ready to shove off, Garnet, still holding Olly fast by the arm, said, "Keep still, will you, and hear what Master Swinton has got to say?" "Now, you fiery polecat," said Swinton, "you may go and cut their lashin's, and take that as a parting gift."

"No, I'm sure we haven't," said Janet. "Perhaps we ought to have! It would be more loyal, wouldn't it?" "Never mind," said the old woman; "only it would put my mind at rest." And then suddenly she began to laugh. "Why," she said, "how silly we are! Of course you've got portraits of him lashin's of them, darlin'." "Where?" Janet exclaimed. "In your purse," said the old woman. "On the blessed money.

"Here we starts out ter hunt fo' dat Dr. Todd's chrysomela bypunktater plant, an' we don't find it, but nothin' but trouble lashin's ob trouble! I'se nigh erbout descouraged ober de perfesser. He suah do lead us all inter sech tribbilations. I done lose heart 'bout him." "Oh, I wouldn't," said Jack. "The professor can't help it if an old volcano comes along and blows us off the earth.

As for Larry, the opportunity to pound away with the hammer and make as much noise as he pleased, was a temptation hard to resist. Abby opened the roll. "What did mother mean by saying she thought she could get enough out of this carpet to cover the floor?" said the little girl, with a laugh. "She must have been very absent-minded; for there's lashin's of it here, as Delia would say."

"Ship Inn." "What?" Captain Tobias paused in the act of picking up the nine-gallon jar. "Drinks on the premises?" "Lashin's." "What a world o' fuss that arrangement do save! Here! " to the porter who stood checking the articles deposited "this goes into hold wi' the rest. Contents, rum, an' don't you forget it, my son; leastways, pr'aps I'd better say, don't you remember it."

The moment I git howld o' that blackguard's knife I'll cut yer lashin's. Stand by for a rush." As Larry spoke, the tall savage drew the knife referred to from his girdle, and, glancing over his shoulder, said in English "Keep quiet, lads. I'll do my best to save 'ee; but if you offer to fight, you're dead men all in five minutes."

There's a gran' big moon these times, wid lashin's and lavin's of light to be gettin' thim kind of glimmerin' things by. I seen a black place below between the sthrame of wather and the roadside all waved over white wid it, like as if it was a fall of snow thryin' could it flutter off away wid itself agin out of the world. I'd have got her enough to fill a six-fut sack.