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Aye indeed, he was a great ould villain! To think of him with lashin's and lavin's of everything an' money untold laid by, an' his only son's widdy livin' down there with a half-witted lodger in a little black hole of a place that was not fit for a pig, let alone a Christian, an' the beautiful little cratur', his grandchild, Roseen, runnin' about barefut, with her dotey little hands an' feet black an' blue wid the cowld sure what sort of a heart had the man at all?"

"And yet," he went on plaintively, "there's hundreds can do it even ord'nary men." He reached out a hand and gripped me by the elbow; and again his brandy-laden breath sickened me as he drew me close. "S'pose, now, you was to do this for me? You could, you know. And there's money in it lashin's o' money!"

Macavoy said, stretching himself out in the doorway, his legs in the sun, head in the shade. "You've been taking a walk in the country, then?" Pierre asked, though he knew. "To Fort Ste. Anne: a buryin', two christ'nin's, an' a weddin'; an' lashin's av grog an' swill-aw that, me button o' the North!" "La la! What a fool you are, my simple king! You've got the things end foremost.

Then t'other float bobbed up and the whole shebang, car and all, drifted out and down the channel. "My lashin's held I cal'lated they would. Soon's I was sure of that I grabbed up the oar and shoved it over the stern between the floats. I hoped I could round her to after we passed the mouth of the Cut-through, and make port on the inside beach. But not in that tide.

The cook, who was an enthusiast in his art, did his best, and was eminently successful. His plum-duff dumpling was bigger than any gun at least of ancient type could have swallowed, and the plums, as Mowat afterwards said, did not need to seek for each other. He made enough of delightfully greasy cakes to feed an army, and, according to his own statement, infused "lashin's o' tea."

"It is," echoed Ben, who, having poised himself aloft, had also caught sight of the cask. "Shiver my timbers! it do look like as if the Cat had come to pieces. But no! Tain't that has set the cask adrift. I set it all now. Little Will'm be at the bottom o' this too. He has cut away the lashin's o' the barrel, so as to gie us one more chance, in the case o' our not comin' across the chest.

"'There's lashin's av them off the Irish coast, sez the tramp. "'Aah! go shake yerself, sez Counahan. 'Fwhat have I to do wid the Irish coast? "'Then fwhat are ye doin' here? sez the tramp. "'Thirty-five mile west-sou'west o' Cape Clear, sez the tramp, 'if that's any consolation to you. "Counahan fetched wan jump, four feet sivin inches, measured by the cook.

I won't cut your lashin's, however, till we are fairly in the boat, for we can't trust you. Come along, lads; and, Garnet, you bring the boy with ye."

"Then, when that's done," he continued, "I'll cut your lashin's, an' we'll crowd all sail for the woods, where I have already concealed some arms an' dried deer's-meat, an' if we can't get fair off and make for the east coast, we'll get on the top o' some mound or rock an' show these Redskins what English seamen can do when they're hard pressed." "Not to mintion Irish wans!" said Squill.

Be the powers, an we'll have a night of it! there'll be lashin's o' drink, the Vargent be blessed and praised for't!" They went on, the mulatto inclining for a moment to show fight, and drag the woman Wolfe off with them; but, being pacified, she staggered away.