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Updated: August 12, 2024

Presently the earth shook under him, -some heavy substance was moved, and there was another booming thunderous noise, accompanied by the falling of chains. "C'est l'escalier de Madame la Princesse!" said the Nubian. "Pres de la chambre nuptiale! Descendez! Vite!" Down down!

I said, Come in; I will go up with thee. She pushed me aside, and, with staring eyes, cried, 'Ou est l'escalier? As we went through the coffee-room, the loungers looked at her with surprise. She followed me without more words, ran by me on the stairs, and in a moment beat fiercely on the door, crying, 'Ouvrez! open! quick! Then there was that madhouse scene."

He might not have grudged her the last word, had she properly needed it. Its utter superfluity the perfection of her victory without it was what galled him. Yes, she had outflanked him, taken him unawares, and he had fired not one shot. Esprit de l'escalier it was as he went upstairs that he saw how he might yet have snatched from her, if not the victory, the palm.

I gave a lingering look at the lovely rooms I was leaving, which were now devoid of our trunks and little personal trinkets, nodded a farewell to our particular valet, who was probably thinking already of our successors, descended l'Escalier d'honneur, and passed through the beautiful Galerie des Gardes to the colonnades, where the chars-a-bancs were ready waiting to carry us to the station.

Antoine; car je crains toujours le risque de tomber sur l'escalier en sortant et je me trouve entre l'espérance et la crainte une situation bien désagréable! Si vous n'éties pas grosse, je craignerais moins mais abandonons cette idée triste! Le ciel aura eu certainement soin de ma chère Stanza Maria!... "I have this moment received your dear letter, and find that you are well and in good spirits.

Not an inflection was changed, not a note was altered. The firm hand of necessity had wound them up day after day, all those three years, and they had ticked together and tocked together to the swing of the pendulum of fortune ever since. "I shall always love this place," said Sally cheerfully, as they sat down at the same table sous l'escalier. "Why?" "Because you first brought me here."

It was like the cuckoo hopping from the clock to sing his note at every quarter. There were little tables in every corner, all covered with virgin-white cloths and, in the centre of each, a vase full of chrysanthemums. It was all in order all spick and span French, every touch of it. "Ou voulez-vous asseoir, Monsieur? Sous l'escalier?"

L'on s'accoutume difficilement a une vie qui se passe sur l'escalier." "It is very true," said Clarendon, "we cannot defend ourselves. We are a very sensible, thinking, brave, sagacious, generous, industrious, noble-minded people; but it must be confessed, that we are terrible bores to ourselves and all the rest of the world. Lady Paulet, if you are going so soon, honour me by accepting my arm."

Comptez sur moi. Juste ciel, mais c'est affreux l'escalier." But he worked while he poured out this medley, and Iris was standing on level ground ere he made an end. He was a handsome youngster, evidently an officer, and his eyes dwelt on the girl's face with no lack of animation as he led her into a cave which seemed to have been excavated from the inner side of a small crater.

She unlocked a heavy, white-washed door into a dusty, dim vestibule, and then proceeded to lock me in, pointing to another door at the farther end, saying, as she returned to her savory stew pot on the iron stove, "Montez, Montez, vous trouverez l'escalier." The heavy door swung to by a weight on a cord, and I was at the bottom step of the winding stairway of the tower.

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