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Many and many a man besides Prescott and Putnam, Stark and Pomeroy, Knowlton and McClary, raged like wolves that day at its ending, to find themselves compelled to accept a retreat as the alternative of capture or death.

True, we have to be careful in drinking water, for they sometimes poison the streams against real or imaginary enemies, and the poisoned waters flow down to us, causing those who drink it to die of a fever like the typhoid. Yet," and he smiled, "there is a saying, is there not, that water is made not to drink, but to bathe in?" Knowlton laughed. McKay's eyes twinkled.

Boddington, looking towards the place where the frills and rufflings of Miss Masters' drapery stirred in the breeze, with the long light tresses of her unbound hair. The breeze was partly of her own making, as she stirred and turned and tossed her head in talking with Mr. Knowlton; the only one of the company whom she would talk with, indeed. The farmer took a good look at her.

Vastly astonished by such effusive welcome from two girls whom they did not know, but by no means displeased thereby, the young warriors of the Suba clan were piloted to the door and inside. As they disappeared, the head of the spy also vanished. "Woof!" muttered Knowlton, wiping sweat from his brow. "That was close! Here's hoping we have no more visitors."

"They're occupied by two sick men, one drunk hear him snore? and one she-goat which is kidding." "Huh?" Tim snorted, suspiciously. "I think ye're the one that's kiddin', Cap." "Not a bit. I looked. The last room on this side is the Dutchman's, and these are ours. Take your pick. They're all alike." Knowlton stepped to the nearest and looked in. For a moment he said no word.

Pedro contemplated the opposite wall, taking occasional puffs from his cigarette. At length Knowlton suggested, tentatively: "We will pay well " Both the bushmen frowned. The coronel spoke in a tone of mild reproof: "Senhor, it is not a matter of pay. These men can make plenty of money as seringueiros." "Pardon," said Knowlton, and thereafter held his tongue.

To put the Red Bone guards out of action without arousing the whole tribe was an even bigger job. But no boats could be brought over until the outpost was silenced, that was sure. Another half-hour crept past. Still no noise from the town, no suspicious move on the other shore. Then from the tambo itself came a low mumble of voices. Knowlton stepped swiftly into it.

It depends on what is doing, and how much I am wanted. Probably I may have to stay two years at least; perhaps three." "But you can get a furlough and come for a little while, Evan?" said Diana; her voice sounded frightened. "That's the worst of it!" said Knowlton. "I don't know whether I can or not." "Why, Evan? don't they always?"

She began to cut up her parsley deftly with a sharp knife; and her handmaid stood and looked at her. "Some folks thought, you know, at one time, that Mr. Masters was courtin' Phemie Knowlton. I didn't let on, but la! I knowed it warn't so. Why, there warn't never a letter come from her to him, nor went from him to her." "She was here herself," said Diana; "why should they write?

Why, at Knowlton Manor we always waited until twelve o'clock, at least, and had our feasts in the loveliest places. Once we had supper in the cellar, and the engineer caught us and we had a terrible time bribing him; and last June, at Miss Gray's school, five of us were caught in the teachers' own sitting-room at three A.M."