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Enter Francisco, and Lopez. Fran. How, a Count to speak with me! with me, I say, here at Cadiz. Lop. A Count, Sir, and to speak with you. Fran. Art sure 'tis not the Governor? I'll go lock up my Wife. Lop. Governor, Sir! No, no, 'tis a mere Stranger, Sir, a rare Count whom I never saw all days of my life before. Fran. And with me wou'd he speak? I hope he comes not to my Wife. Enter Julia. Jul.

Um my Wife here still, must I begin to thunder. Jul. Lord, and you be so froward, I'll be gone. Car. Be sure you keep the old Fellow in discourse awhile. Guil. Car. and Jul. Old Fellow, prithee what Person of Quality is that? Fran. Person of Quality! alas, my Lord, 'tis a silly Citizen's Daughter. Guil. A Citizen's! what clod of Earth cou'd bring forth such a Beauty? Fran.

Wou'd I were in your room, Madam, I'd cut him out work enough, I'd warrant him; and if he durst impose on me, i'faith, I'd transform both his Shape and his Manners; in short, I'd try what Woman-hood cou'd do. And indeed, the Revenge wou'd be so pleasant, I wou'd not be without a jealous Husband for all the World; and really, Madam, Don Carlos is so sweet a Gentleman. Jul. Ay, but the Sin, Jacinta!

Fran. Oh thou Monster of Ingratitude, have I caught thee? You'd have me gone, wou'd ye? ay, to Heaven, I believe, like a wicked Woman as you are, so you were rid of me. Go, and be satisfyed of my eternal love ah, Gipsey, no, Gentlewoman, I am a tuff bit, and will hold you tugging till your heart ake. Jul.

Now does my Heart begin to fail me; and yet I shall ne'er endure strangling neither; why, am not I your Lord and Master, hah? Jul. Heavens! Husband, what wou'd you have me do? Fran. Jul. This from my Husband, old Francisco! he advise me to part with my dear Honour. Fran. Jul. Have you considered the Virtue of a Wife? Fran. Jul. Which Virtue, before I'll lose, I'll die a thousand Deaths. Fran.

Fran. Peace, thou wicked Limb of Satan but for you, Gentlewoman, since you are so tarmagant, that your own natural Husband cannot please you, who, though I say it, am as quiet a Bed-fellow, and sleep as sweetly, for one of my years, as any in Spain I'll keep you to hard meat, i'faith. Jul. I find no fault with your sleeping, 'tis the best quality you have a-bed. Fran.

Which he will soon obtain, and in return, what Service I can render him in your behalf he shall not want. Jul. Antonio will engage you they are Friends. Cla. You amaze me. Jac. I have appointed him this night to wait, and, if possible, I would get him a Minute's time with you. Cla. Dear Jacinta, thou art the kindest Maid. Jac.

Her wedding ring, when she became his wife, was, after her death, preserved by him, as long as he lived, with an affectionate care, in a little round wooden box, in the inside of which he pasted a slip of paper, thus inscribed by him in fair characters, as follows: 'Eheu! Eliz. Johnson Nupta Jul. 9 1736, Mortua, eheu! Mart. 17 1752. After his death, Mr.

Fran. My Daughter's a Lady, Sir. Bal. And you, Mistress, you have married Antonio, and left the Governor. Cla. I thought him the fitter Match, Sir, and hope your Pardon. Jul. We cannot scape. Fran. But how came you hither, Gentlemen, how durst you venture? Seb. Whither, Sir, to my own Son's house; is there such danger in coming a mile or two out of Cadiz? Fran. Is the Devil in you, or me, or both?

Nay, let's retire, and compleat my Quality, and you will find me a Wife of the Mode, I'll warrant you. Guil. For once you have prevail'd. Enter Francisco. Fran. Whither away? Isa. Fran. Consummate! Isa. Fran. Hum this Turkey Air has a notable faculty, where the Women are all plaguy kind. Enter Carlos and Julia. Car. By Heav'n, each Moment makes me more your Slave. Fran. The Business is done. Jul.