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Updated: August 14, 2024

Only the Governor, the fine young Governor, I deliver'd him the message, told him my mind and the like. Jul. So kind to visit us, and have you sent him away already? Fran. Ah, Witch; already! why, have I any lodging for him? Jul. But I am glad you brought him not in, I being so unready. Fran. But you are always ready for him, my dear victorious Man-slayer. Jul.

Why, was there such hurt in desiring you to go that you might make haste back again, Oh, my fears! Fran. That you might receive a Lover, 'tis plain and my Indignation's high. Jul. Heav'n knows I meant Fran. Julia, he stands just in the door, Carlos advances. Car.

Car. Fair Creature Jul. Do you believe my Husband, Sir? he's mad. Car. Fran. Jac. Hark you, Sir, are you possest, or is it real reformation in you? what mov'd this kind fit? Fran. E'en Love to sweet Life; and I shall think my self ever obliged to my dear Wife, for this kind Reprieve; had she been cruel, I had been strangled, or hung in the Air like our Prophet's Tomb. Enter First Turk. Turk.

I dare not with you, the venture wou'd be too bold in a young beginner in the Thefts of Love. Guil. Her Eyes are Suns, by Jove. Car. Oh, nothing is so ventrous as Love, if it be true. Guil. Or else, two Morning Stars, All other Beauties are but Soot to her. Jul. But shou'd my Husband Car. He's safe for one dear half hour, I'll warrant you, come. Fran.

Barlow's activity in search of Sidney; and his painful anxiety to discover one so dear and so mysteriously lost was the only cause of uneasiness apparent in the brightening Future. The day that he read it he disappeared. "Jul. . . . Good lady, love him! You have a noble and an honest gentleman. I ever found him so.

Matter! what matter? I heard the civil Message the Governor sent, and the uncivil Answer you return'd back. Fran. Very good; did that grieve your heart? alas, what pity 'twas I carried you not in my hand, presented you to him my self, and beg'd him to favour me so much to do my office a little for me, or the like; hah, Jul. And there's need enough, and the truth were known. Jac. Well said, Madam.

Is he so, pray tell him he need not take that pains; there's no occasion for't; besides 'twill be but in vain; for the Doctors have prescribed her Silence and Loneliness, 'tis good against the Fit; how this damn'd Fellow of a Rival torments me! honest Friend, adieu. Guz. Guz. Fran. So, your Mercury's gone; Lord, how simply you look now, as if you knew nothing of the matter! Jul.

Schroer, and the proprietor of the Oyster Cellar at Christiania, Mr. Ditlev-Hansen. Then we took our seats round the table, which groaned beneath Lindström's masterpieces in the culinary art. I slipped behind the curtain of my cabin for an instant, and set the gramophone going. Herold sang us "Glade Jul."

Well, I am a wicked Creature to teaze thee so, Dear; but I'll do what thou wilt; come, come, be friends, I vow, I care not for the Governor, not I, no more than I do for my own Soul. Fran. Why so, this is something; Come, come your ways in, who have we here? a Man! ad's my life, away, away. Jul. Enter Isabella. Fran. No, 'tis not a Man, but my Daughter Isabella. Jac.

You Spaniards are a jealous Nation, But in this English Spaniard Old Francisco, That mad Passion's doubled; wholly deprives him of his Sense, and turns his Nature Brute; wou'd he but trust me only with my Woman, I wou'd contrive some way to see my Carlos. Car. 'Tis certain, Julia, that thou must be mine. Jul. Or I must die, my Carlos. Ant.

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