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"But how about his mother what does she say?" "Speak, mother!" cried Joel, approaching Dame Hansen, and endeavoring to remove her hands from her face. "Joel, my brother," exclaimed Hulda. "I entreat you, for my sake, to be calm." Dame Hansen bowed her head upon her breast, not daring to meet her son's searching eyes.

When she drove him in Creech was talking hard to Joel, who had mounted. "When you come back, work up this canyon till you git up. It heads on the pine plateau. I can't miss seein' you, or any one, long before you git up on top. An' you needn't come without Bostil's hosses. You know what to tell Bostil if he threatens you, or refuses to send his hosses, or turns his riders on my trail. Thet's all.

In the doorway stood Miss Nancy, and by her side her nephew, Joel Slocum, a freckle-faced boy, who had frequently shown a preference for 'Lena, by going with her for her grandmother's cow, bringing her harvest apples, and letting her ride on his sled oftener than the other girls at school.

Joel fully understood that the object in delay was to have the herd in presentable condition, and offered no objection. The beeves were grazed up opposite headquarters, and the guards were arranged for the night, which passed without incident.

When night came, he returned to his room with the assistance of Joel and Hulda, gave and received a friendly good-night, and had scarcely stretched himself out upon the big bed before he was sound asleep. The next morning he woke with the sun, and began to review the situation. "I really don't know how I shall get out of the scrape," he said to himself.

Graham also implied a relationship with himself, and feeling a little curious as well as somewhat amused, he replied, "Related to Mrs. Graham! Pray how?" "Why, you see," said Joel, "that my grandmarm's aunt she was younger than grandmarm, and was her aunt tew.

"If that be true, ye must be in a mighty throubled state, most of the live-long day, ye must!" "I tell you, Michael O'Hearn, religion is no respecter of persons. The Lord cares jist as much for me, as he does for captain Willoughby, or his wife, or his son, or his darters, or anything that is his." "Divil burn me, now, Joel, if I believe that!" again cried Mike, in his dogmatic manner.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" cried Joel, in a dudgeon, revolving around the table. "She's been eating ever so long, and we thought she was asleep." "That's the reason she's had a little peace," retorted the old gentleman. "Catch them telling you, Joe!" said Percy Whitney, glad to pitch in with a word. "Well, you didn't know it, either," said Joel, in great satisfaction.

An' to think how I driv' you clear over here, an' that horse most runnin' away all the time." Polly got out of her chair and sorrowfully went up to Joel. "We'll sit out in the shop, if you please, dear Mr. and Mrs. Beebe, till you get through the party. And then, if you please, we'd like to go home." Joel's head dropped, and his little brown fists fell down. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. Mrs.

"Well, then, I must hurry and go in and practise," as she called drumming on the kitchen table; she said this with quite an important air, as she hurried into the house. "Ben's going to be the elephant, isn't he, Joel?" she asked, turning around in the doorway, for Joel changed his animals about so often it was difficult to keep track of them. "No," said Joel, "I'm going to be that."