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I'm only going to the vessel, if you'll show me the way," said the little fellow imploringly. "Stop yer noise, ye lying young thief, you. Ye wouldn't be prowling about at this time o' night if ye belonged to a vessel. 'Pon me soul, I believe yer a nigger. Come to the light," said the guardman, dragging him up to a lamp near by.

He's my steady, Tom is, only to-night he's drank too much, and and he doesn't realize what he's doing." The grip on his arm tightened as she looked imploringly into his face. "Take me home, please!" A catch was in her voice. "I'm afraid." Ben hesitated. Even in the half-light the petitioner's face hinted brazenly of cosmetics. "Where do you live?" he asked shortly.

"It is a a traveling-bag," reply I, with a little hesitation, looking imploringly from Barbara to Bobby. "Do you think he will like it?" "A traveling-bag!" echoes Bobby; then, a little bluntly, "but he never travels!" "No more he does!" reply I, feeling a good deal crestfallen. "I thought of that myself; it was not quite my own idea it was the general's suggestion!"

Burrell was a tender-hearted, yielding sort of an individual; and what was more, his wife was fully aware of it; and like a young witch as she was, she put on her sweetest looks, and begged so imploringly, that he was almost conquered.

They became full not only of rapture, but also of laughter. He gave a low guttural sound, sank down on the ground, and held out both his hands imploringly for some of the nourishment. "The knife," said Nora. He thrust his hands into his bosom and held the knife out to her. It was a huge clasp knife, and Nora noticed with a shudder that it had all the appearance of having been newly sharpened.

Picture to yourself the surging billows, the roar of crashing waters, the hissing foam, the darkness, the hopeless prospect: look at Damon, he is at his last gasp, he barely keeps himself up, he holds out his hands imploringly to his friend: and lastly look at Euthydicus, as he leaps into the water, and swims by his side, with only one thought in his mind, Damon must not be the first to perish; and you will see that Euthydicus too was no bad friend.

"But, now you are ours. And surely it is not quite decided?" He had spoken imploringly to the Chief. "Not irrevocably?" he added. "Irrevocably!" "Then she is lost!" "For shame, Carlo Ammiani;" said old Agostino, casting his sententious humours aside. "Do you not hear? It is decided! Do you wish to rob her of her courage, and see her tremble?

I am all alone and they are so many. And they must win for I can give no more than one woman can. But they are for ever whispering to you of what a woman can give but once in her life each in her own way...." "Kyllikki!" Olof broke in imploringly. But she went on unheeding, pouring out her words like a stream in flood-time. "And they hate me because I thought to keep you for myself alone.

She was still looking straight before her, but her lip trembled. Diana bent forward impetuously. "Fanny!" she said, laying her hand on her cousin's, "do go home!" Fanny's lip continued to tremble. "I tell you I'm engaged," she repeated, in a muffled voice. "Don't marry him!" cried Diana, imploringly. "He's not he's not a good man." "What do you know about it?

If her son and daughter turned her out of their house, she would hide her sorrows somewhere in loneliness and pray for their conversion to better thoughts. "We don't turn you out of our house, Mamma," said the timid Lady Jane imploringly. "You invite such company to it as no Christian lady should meet, and I will have my horses to-morrow morning."