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This uncertainty in the matter gave more zest to his ardor. "You dislike me?" he questioned, wondering if that could possibly be. "Oh, no, no! I like you. Won't you believe me?" He stepped back and looked at her with a sarcastic smile looked at the little figure leaning against the fountain, with one hand resting on the rim of it, the other held out imploringly toward him. "Believe you?

They loved each other dearly, and But about this period George began to haunt her tearfully and imploringly, and at last she went crying to Edward, and said her high and holy duty was plain before her she must not let her own selfish desires interfere with it: she must marry "poor George" and "reform him." It would break her heart, she knew it would, and so on; but duty was duty.

He laid open the vein that runs all the way up the back to the neck; he cut this vein clean away throughout its whole course, and Thoon fell in the dust face upwards, stretching out his hands imploringly towards his comrades. Antilochus sprang upon him and stripped the armour from his shoulders, glaring round him fearfully as he did so.

With the look fixed upon him, in her paleness and wildness, she panted out in his arms, imploringly, "O my dear friend! My husband!" "Your husband, Lucie?" "Charles." "What of Charles?" "Here. "Here, in Paris?" "Has been here some days three or four I don't know how many I can't collect my thoughts.

Wiley is dead she was found dead in bed the morning after you ran away. So you'll never have to go back to her." "Dead!" said Mary stupefied. Then she shivered. "Do you s'pose my praying had anything to do with that?" she cried imploringly to Una. "If it had I'll never pray again as long as I live. Why, she may come back and ha'nt me." "No, no, Mary," said Una comfortingly, "it hadn't. Why, Mrs.

That it may be thoroughly well done, and that every man may go happy to bed, I have ordered to be brought here some bottles of brandy and kettles of hot water. A treble-strong goblet will he handed round to each guest." Bathsheba put her hand upon his arm, and, with upturned pale face, said imploringly, "No don't give it to them pray don't, Frank!

With all my strength I held my tongue under control, and heaven knows it was no easy victory, with those sweet eyes looking into mine! "Tell me what could prevent it?" I persisted imploringly. "If you found that he was unworthy, would that " She half smiled, though without any mirthfulness. "There are so many degrees of unworthiness, aren't there?

Oh, Catharine, on my knees I conjure you assist me to repeal this hated law, which wants to bind my heart and my hand!" In passionate excitement she had fallen before the queen, and was holding up her hands imploringly to her. Catharine, smiling, bent down and raised her up in her arms. "Enthusiast," said she, "poor young enthusiast!

In some perturbation lest the man might be calling her bird away, Dennet descended the steps. She was about to utter a sharp rebuke, but Giles held out his hand imploringly, and she paused a moment to hear the sweet full note of the "ouzel cock, with orange tawny bill" closely imitated on a tiny bone whistle.

It took about five minutes to get Ole dug out, and then he started for Bost again. "Honest, Master Bost, Aye ent mean to stop," he said imploringly. "Aye yust tal you, dese fallers ban devils. Aye fule dem naxt time " "Line up and shut up," the captain shouted. The ball wasn't over twenty yards from the line, and as a matter of course the quarter shot it back to Ole.