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Then we may move them elsewhere, and if we're to have a run for it, remember, hijos mios, 'twill be a race for our lives. There's no Naraguana now to stand between us and that young wolf, who I fear has got the dear little lamb in his clutches, so fast we'll have great "

Deceived at first by appearances, this personage, so picturesque in the midst of Parisian civilization, informed him that the house in which the girl with the golden eyes dwelt belonged to Don Hijos, Marquis de San-Real, grandee of Spain. Naturally, it was not with the Marquis that the Auvergnat was concerned. "My parcel," he said, "is for the marquise." "She is away," replied the postman.

Clearing his throat, he put a hand under his coat-tails and resumed dictation: "'Melquiades Sandoval y Hijos, Montevidio. Gentlemen: Your order shipped to-day by steamer Escobar as per your esteemed favor of the 5th. Invoices inclosed. In the item of mowing machines, was unable to fill order with Nonpareil as desired.

La esterilidad física es combatida y se considera como una desgracia en la mujer; pero queremos condenarla a una perpetua esterilidad política que es lo mismo decir esterilidad patriótica al impedirla que tome parte en el sufragio que da a los ciudadanos el medio más efectivo para influir en los destinos sociales y en el mejoramiento de los negocios públicos. ¿Cómo inculcar en los niños, esa prenda sagrada del porvenir de una nación, el culto y la en la Patria y en la libertad si no se les da a las madres la educación práctica que envuelve en el privilegio del voto, si se les enseña que el gobierno y la política son divinidades extrañas, en cuyos templos les está vedado penetrar, si sobre mismas sienten el estigma de inferioridad e incapacidad para hablar a sus hijos de los negocios públicos y de los intereses de la nación y del Estado?

"Ill luck it is," he continues, after completing his reconnaissance. "Satan's own luck our coming upon this. A whole country covered with traps! Well, it won't help us any making a mouth about it; and I think our best way will be to strike straight across." "I think so too," says Cypriano, impatient to proceed. "Let us on into it, then. But, hijos mios; have a care how you go.

DON EDUARDO. Por supuesto, ¿no quiere usted que llegue? DON PEDRO. Tendrá hijos a su vez, y será también muy buena madre, no lo dude usted, Sr. D. Eduardo.... DON EDUARDO. ¡Qué he de dudar yo eso Sr. D. Pedro! ¡Poco enamorado estoy a fe mía para dudar ahora de nada!

I reached the office one day to find the chief of police just arrived to collect for his services in guarding the money brought out on pay-day. "Ah, senor mio," cried the superintendent, "Y como esta usted? La familia buena? Y los hijos I'll slip the old geaser his six bones and let him be on his way Oh, si, senor. Como no?

They have bestowed upon the Frenchified guardias the appellations of polizones, a word borrowed from their neighbours, and of hijos de Luis Felipe, sons of Louis Philippe. "Spaniards," saith Richard Ford, "are full of dry humour;" he might have added, and of sharp wit.

"Patrona la mas amada De nuestro suelo Espanol Nuestro mas luciente sol En la noche desgraciada Pues para ser proclamada Con el voto mas cordial Sois Maria concebida Sin pecado original." "Concede en fin Madre amada A tus hijos este dia La mas cristiana alegria Y la muerte deseada Para que seas cantada En la patria celestial Sois Maria concebida Sin pecado original."

Deceived at first by appearances, this personage, so picturesque in the midst of Parisian civilization, informed him that the house in which the girl with the golden eyes dwelt belonged to Don Hijos, Marquis de San-Real, grandee of Spain. Naturally, it was not with the Marquis that the Auvergnat was concerned. "My parcel," he said, "is for the marquise." "She is away," replied the postman.