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In the hand of each one of them was a naked sword, and in their midst stood Musli holding aloft the half-moon banner. The people made way before them, and allowed Patrona to ascend the steps of the mosque, and when the blast of the alarm-horns had subsided, the clear penetrating voice of the ex-pedlar was distinctly audible from end to end of the great kalan square in front of him.

Once again Musli begged earnestly of Halil that the delivery of these demands might be entrusted to him, and so proudly did he make his petition that it was impossible for Halil Patrona to deny him. Now Musli was a sly dog.

"This poor lady so beset on every hand by a parcel of villains, each more unscrupulous than the other. Fanfulla, send for Peppe. We must despatch the fool to her with warning of Gian Maria's coming, and warning, too, against this man of Mantua she has fled with." "Too late," answered Fanfulla. "The fool departed this morning for Roccaleone, to join his patrona." Francesco looked his dismay.

But the Marchesa Isabella was the true goddess of his adoration, the mistress to whom his heart and lyre alike were pledged, who was for him, not only "la mia patrona e signora," but "la prima donna del mondo," "the first lady in all the world."

He declared that the rebels had been playing fast and loose with his name, and that he knew nothing whatever of their wishes. "Then take with you the Chaszeki Aga and twenty bostanjis, and go in search of Halil Patrona, and find out what he wants!" commanded the Padishah. "It is a pity to give worthy men unnecessary trouble, most glorious Sultan," said Abdi Pasha bitterly.

There was such a malicious scorn in his gaze that Halil involuntarily grasped the hilt of his sword. "Fear not, Patrona!" cried he jeeringly, "Gül-Bejáze will never again be conducted into the Seraglio. She and your father-in-law have been captured as they were trying to fly, and the unbelieving Greek cattle-dealer has been thrown into the dungeon set apart for evil-doers.

Kabakulak by this time had had nearly enough of Musli, but the latter still continued diligently to consult his list. He recollected that Halil Patrona had charged him to say something else, but what it was he could not for the life of him call to mind. "Ah, yes! now I have it!" he cried at last.

In the neighbourhood of Patrona dwelt Musli, a veteran Janissary, who filled up his spare time by devoting himself to the art of slipper-stitching.

You should not disdain to use your hands upon them," he admonished the fop in all seriousness, and without a trace of irony. Nor did Gonzaga suspect any. "I, soil my hands on that vermin?" he cried, in a voice of horror. "I would die sooner." "Or else soon after," squeaked Peppe, who had entered unobserved. "Patrona mia, you should have seen this paladin," he continued, coming forward.

The eyes of the Grand Vizier and the Khan surveyed the ranks of the Janissary officers, while Halil's faithful adherents began to assemble round their leader. "Then there is no answer to the words of Halil Patrona?" inquired Kabakulak at last tentatively. They were all silent. "Have you no answer at all then?"