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"Munro," he said, "get the musketeers of your brigade under arms with all haste, form them up in the square before the town hall, and desire Sir John Hepburn to meet me there." The drum was at once beaten, and the troops came pouring from their lodgings, and in three or four minutes the musketeers, 800 strong, were formed up with Hepburn and Munro at their head.

A soft melancholy crept over me when I entered the room where I had met Desmond last. We should probably not see each other alone again. Mrs. Somers's policy to that effect would be a success, for I should make no opposition to it. Not a word of my feelings could I speak to Mrs. Hepburn Adelaide was there provided I had the impulse; and Mrs.

"You have borne yourself well and bravely, and you have got an old head on those young shoulders of yours. You are as full of plans and stratagems as if you had been a campaigner for the last half century; and no man, even in the Green Brigade, no, not Hepburn himself, could have held that church tower more ably than you did.

'Eh! thou's a wilfu' wench, said the proud father, giving her a great slap on her back. 'Well! set thee down to thy victual, and be quiet wi' thee, for I want to finish my tale to Philip. But, perhaps, I've telled it yo' afore? said he, turning round to question Hepburn. Hepburn could not say that he had not heard it, for he piqued himself on his truthfulness.

But to give t' devil his due, it were good i' Hepburn to marry thee, and so soon after there was a' that talk about thy feyther. Many a man would ha' drawn back, choose howiver far they'd gone. I'm noane so sure about Charley Kinraid. Eh, Sylvia! only think on his being alive after all. I doubt if our Bessy would ha' wed Frank Dawson if she'd known as he wasn't drowned.

Richardson and Hepburn, gathering wood a few days later, heard the report of a gun from beside the fire where they had left Lieutenant Hood, who was now in the last stage of exhaustion. They returned to find Michel beside the dead body of their comrade. He had been shot through the back of the head. Michel swore that Hood had killed himself.

This was far more than either Hepburn or Coulson had imagined it to be; and a look of surprise, almost amounting to dismay, crept over their faces, in spite of their endeavour to keep simply motionless and attentive. 'It's a deal of money, lads, and the Lord give you grace to guide it, said Jeremiah, putting down his paper for a minute.

Her nose burned; and she hastened her departure lest Barribel should notice some undignified difference in manner or expression. "I shall see you again downstairs in a few minutes," she said hurriedly. Barrie did not answer, and Miss Hepburn softly shut the door. Instantly the girl began making a sandwich of the bread and cheese, which she wrapped up in a clean handkerchief.

At five the next morning our men were sent in different directions after our absent companions, but as the weather was foggy we despaired of finding them unless they should chance to hear the muskets our people were desired to fire. They returned however at ten, bringing intelligence of them. I went immediately with Hepburn to join Mr. Back and directed Mr.

Hepburn and her niece came up to the table upon which I was leaning. I rose up in confusion, wondering if they would recognize me, and offered the elder lady my chair. In my hurry and agitation, the portfolio fell from my hand, and the fine prints were scattered over the floor and table. A general laugh arose at my expense; I felt annoyed, but laughed as loudly as the rest.