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An instant after he looked up and said: 'He is alive; his heart is beating, though faintly. He had better be taken away at once. There is no means here of shelter. 'Bring him in the rocket-cart; it is the only conveyance here, cried Stephen. 'And bring Mr. Hepburn too. He also will need some care after his gallant service. I shall ride on and advise my household of your coming.

Connecticut members took part in every national demonstration of the Union and eleven suffered terms of imprisonment. Annual conventions were held each year and in 1918 Mrs. Thomas N. Hepburn was elected chairman, Mrs. Ascough having removed from the State.

The king had taken notice of our small party of volunteers, and though I thought he had not seen me, yet he sent the next morning for Sir John Hepburn, and asked him if I were not come to the army? "Yes," says Sir John, "he has been here two or three days."

'Well, Gladys was telling us at the very moment about the disappearance of this Hepburn girl, as you call her, and I happened to be looking at Cousin George while she was speaking, and, Clara, I can't for the life of me help thinking he knows something about it. No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Mina saw that she had made a profound mistake.

Lady Glenuskie would take good care of us till we came to Margaret. 'Ay! And 'tis little you heed how it is with me, exclaimed James, 'when you are gone to your daffing and singing and dancing with me that have saved you from that reiver Hepburn. 'Jamie, dear, I'll never quit ye, said little Mary's gentle voice. He laughed.

'I'm Hester Rose, she continued, half addressing Sylvia, who she thought might remember the name, 'and Philip Hepburn has sent me in a tax-cart to t' stile yonder, to fetch both on yo' back to Monkshaven. Sylvia raised her head and looked intently at Hester. Bell clasped her hands tight together and leant forwards. 'It's my master as wants us? said she, in an eager, questioning tone.

But to go with authority, and in his poor, maimed guise assert that right, he had need be other than Philip Hepburn.

"Thank you, sir," said Cabot, who, believing the interview to be ended, turned to leave the room. "By the way," continued Mr. Hepburn, "there is another thing I wish to mention. Can you recommend one of your recent classmates for an important mission, to be undertaken at once to an out-of-the-way part of the world?

'She says he's either a soldier or a sailor, and a long way off at some place named in t' Bible. 'Philip Hepburn led away to be a soldier! said she, 'who had once been a Quaker? 'Yes, and a very brave one too, and one that it would do my heart good to look upon, exclaimed Mrs. Kinraid. 'He's been saving my husband's life in the Holy Land, where Jerusalem is, you know.

Hepburn paused, with the lid of the broth-pot in her hand, looking wonderingly into her son's face. 'What gars ye ask that? 'I heard she was in Glasgow, that's why, Walter answered cautiously. 'Where's the old man? Not working, surely? 'Ay; he's turned over a new leaf for three days, workin' orra at Stevenson's; they're short o' men the noo. He'll be in to his denner the noo.