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This was delivered so loudly that John feared a quarrel, and to interrupt it, put in his head, and said, mighty innocently: "Did you call, sir? Can I do anything for you, sir?" "Yes: go to the devil!" John went, but not down-stairs, as suggested a mere lateral movement that ended at the keyhole. "Well, but, sir," said Walter, half-reproachfully, "it was you elicited my views."

But as she steadily gazed up the path a crimson flush suffused her smooth brow and cheek, and she rose gracefully, and with a smile of delight, welcomed Glenn to the cool and refreshing shade of the majestic elm. "You have come too late. William has already said his lesson, and I'm sure he knew it perfectly," said Mary, half-reproachfully and half-playfully. "Mary don't know, Mr.

"The last time I went to jail," she related, "I had chained myself to the gallery in the House of Commons, and, when they tried to release me, I bit a policeman hard!" "Oh, you man-eater!" It was Cicily who uttered the exclamation, half-reproachfully, half-banteringly. "I fail to see why, if one should prefer even Chicago roast beef to an Irish policeman, that should be held against one."

"Her story doesn't differ much from that contained in the affidavit," he remarked. "No," Gorham answered, shortly; "it is the same story with a different interpretation." "What do you think of it now?" "Just as I have from the beginning." "You don't believe me!" Eleanor cried, half-beseechingly, half-reproachfully. "I don't wonder, it is past belief."

Without heeding their enraged master, they ran off, with their tails between their legs, towards the castle. "I see how it is, Rufus," said Gabriel, patting his hound, who looked wistfully and half-reproachfully at him. "Thou wert not to blame, poor fellow! The best dog that ever was whelped cannot be expected to face the devil."

"I had just rung for lights to show you the house!" said Constance, disappointed, and half-reproachfully. "Mercy, Constance! damp rooms and east winds together are too much. House, indeed! what can there be worth seeing in your English drawing-rooms after the marble palaces of Italy? Any commands?" "None!" said Constance, sinking back into her chair, with the tears in her eyes.

"Why not? Am I not young? Am I not pretty?" This she said not parrotwise, but with a simple coquettishness that was all her own. On the way to the steamer a few moments later, Ernest asked, half-reproachfully: "Jack and you really enjoyed this conversation?" "Didn't you?" "Do you mean this?" "Why, yes; she was very agreeable." Ernest frowned. "We're twenty, Ernest.

"It's awful to live like this," she moaned; and it frightened him to see her move her head from side to side like an imprisoned beast, shifting before bars. He looked about the pretty room and repeated, "Like this?" half-reproachfully. "I hate it!" She spoke through her teeth. "I hate it! And, oh, the sounds, the noises, grinding into your ears."

"Will, husband," she whispers, lovingly, tenderly, half-reproachfully. "What is it?" And her little hand steals into his. For a moment there is no reply. His arm is quickly thrown around her and she is drawn close to his breast; his lips are pressed to her forehead, but he utters no word. At last she hears the answer, "My darling. I am wondering what I ever did to deserve one moment of your love.

John had made a brave fight for it, but he was beginning to break down. Everybody else had risen, he could not rise. An expression of fear and at the same time of shame had come into his face. Vaguely, half-consciously, half-reproachfully, he began to review the situation. After all, he was deserting his post, he was running away.